Wonder What Causes Terror to Rise? Wonder No More

Wonder What Causes Terror to Rise? Wonder No More

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Wonder what causes terror to rise? Wonder no more.

At least 49 civilians, including six children, were killed on Monday in Syrian government air strikes on a town in Idlib province in the country’s northwest, a monitoring group said.

Assad killing spree against civilians continues despite a stern condemnation issued by the UN Security Council only 3 days ago on Friday.

Activists on the ground said the raids hit a square in the town of Al-Janudiyah, in the west of the province, which is now almost completely controlled by opposition forces.

“It’s a public square, and a lot of people gather there because there are shops,”

They told Agence France Presse that people displaced from other areas of Idlib province had also sought refuge in Al-Janudiyah. The regime has deliberately targeted a high concentration of civilians in the town.

Regime military aircraft fired missiles on the town, witnesses told AFP.

If you wonder what causes terror to rise, wonder no more. It is mostly due to the apathy of the West in the face of extreme terror against civilians.

With every civilian death the West ignores Assad for his crimes, terror rises a notch. Wonder what causes terror? Wonder no more.

Al-Janudiyah has been under opposition control for some time, but much of the province has only recently fallen to a rebel alliance that includes Al-Qaeda affiliate Al-Nusra Front.

Al-Janudiyah lies north of Jisr al-Shughur, which fell on April 25, less than a month after the alliance seized the provincial capital Idlib city.

Government forces now hold only a handful of positions in the province.

The international community is a party to the crimes committed by the Assad regime when it refuses to arm vetted moderate opposition forces with the defense mechanisms to stop Assad from targeting civilians with his fighter jets and helicopters dropping chlorine gas and barrel bombs.

With every civilian death at the hands of Assad, the West silence and inaction makes it an accomplice in the crimes against humanity when it refuses to help helpless civilians by either defending them directly or arming them with weapons to defend themselves.

Then everyone wonders where Islamic extremism comes from. The West unwittingly feeds it with its ill-conceived policies. 

If the West wants terror to explode, it cannot do a better job than to ignore the Assad atrocities.

AFP contributed to this report

If You Wonder What Causes Terror to Rise


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