We Would Like to Meet that Obama Official Genius

We Would Like to Meet that Obama Official Genius

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Here at TFS, we observe Syria like no other organization.

We interact with the rebels, we talk to their leaders, we read both the Assad and the rebels propaganda, we analyze Obama’s motives when it comes to Syria and the region, we monitor Western and Asian meetings on Syria, we read interviews, we follow Western leaders who have direct impact on Syria, and we concentrate all of our efforts to rid Syria of all terror.

No one knows what is happening inside and around Syria like we do, especially when it comes to Syria as the center stage for a regional and international Cold War Putin is sparking and Barack Obama seems oblivious to his intentions.

So, when we see the chaos prevailing as a result of the misguided policies of Barack Obama, we ask ourselves this question: Who is the Obama official genius behind this policy or directive? We would like to meet that Obama official genius.

For example, who is the Obama official genius behind the policy of imploring Congress to fund to the tune of $500m the training of 5,400 vetted moderate Syrian rebels to fight ISIL but not Assad? This stupid policy resulted in the U.S. successfully recruiting 60 fighters so far.

Our guess is that most of the Syrian vetted fighters are deceiving the U.S. and once in the field would be more than happy to turn their guns against Assad. Obama has no clue about the Syrian people suffering from the Assad family. Absolutely no clue. He thinks he can simply ask and people would rush to supply.

Really, who is that Obama official genius behind that policy? Is that you Ben Rhodes?

Who is the Obama official genius behind the policy of striking ISIL but ignoring Assad barrel bombs and refusing to mount a No-Fly Zone to protect the civilians? This dumb policy not only led to ISIL recruiting more terrorists, but it also projected the perception that America is tolerant of Shiite terror against Sunni civilians, but not of Sunni response to Shiite terror.

Honestly, who is that Obama official genius behind that policy? Is that you again Ben Rhodes?

Obama cannot get anything right in Syria because he thinks that his demands cannot be refused. Obama believes that he can muscle his way around Syrians the way he has muscled his way against his foes in Washington.

The man thinks he is in Chicago.

We Would Like to Meet that Obama Official Genius


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