Terrorists Mock America, Obama Respectful With His Silence

Terrorists Mock America, Obama Respectful With His Silence

Putin Keeps Mocking America With Obama’s Blessing
The Most Generous Nation Led by the Most Ignorant Administration
Obama Yields America to Iran, Khamenei Wields His Sword

A third hearing in the trial of jailed Washington Post correspondent Jason Rezaian on espionage charges took place behind closed doors in Tehran on Monday, Iran’s official IRNA news agency reported.

The first and second hearings of Iranian-U.S. citizen Rezaian were held behind closed doors on May 26 and June 8 respectively at the Revolutionary Court in Tehran. Rezaian has been in Tehran’s Evin prison since his arrest in July 2014.

What kind of a U.S. President stays silent as terrorists mock and challenge America?

The last we heard him speak was back in March when he ‘urged’ Iran’s government to release Rezaian and two other detained Americans – Saeed Abedini and Amir Hekmati – and to help find Robert Levinson, an American who disappeared in Iran eight years ago.

The verb ‘urge’ is equivalent to the verb ‘beg’ when used to communicate with terrorists and thugs.

“The trial will continue and when the verdict is issued we will announce it to people,” judiciary spokesman Gholamhossein Mohseni Ejei said, according to the semi-official ILNA agency.

Terrorists mock America and Obama let them get away with it.

Rezaian’s lawyer, Leila Ahsan, told Tasnim news agency in May after the first hearing that he had been charged with espionage for collecting confidential information, handing it to hostile governments, writing a letter to Obama, and acting against national security.

Iran considers writing a letter to one’s commander-in-chief to be espionage.

Rezaian’s wife Yeganeh Salehi and a woman photojournalist who were detained with him but later released also went on trial last month, Iranian media reported.

Washington has rejected the espionage charges against Rezaian as “absurd”. His brother Ali told Reuters Television in May that Rezaian, the Post’s Tehran bureau chief, had lost 40 pounds (18 kg) in prison.

Tehran and six world powers, including the United States, are trying to meet a deadline later on Monday for a final nuclear deal to end a decade-old standoff with the West.

As terrorists mock America, Obama cannot find the courage to free him with all the power the American people put at his disposal.

Reuters contributed to this article.

Terrorists Mock America, Obama Respectful With His Silence


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