The outrage expressed by western powers and the Arab world over the veto exercised on Saturday by Russia and China to block any UN Resolution to protect the Syrian people from Assad has resonated widely. Both countries are on the defensive to justify their vote.
Most impressive were the calls by world leaders on this issue and the actions they are taking. US Secretary Hillary Clinton called it a “travesty”. France committed to helping structure the Syrian opposition and hopefully expand it to include more seculars and more liberals (France understands fully that a Muslim Brotherhood led SNC helps Assad remain in power) as well as taking the lead in applying more sanctions against the Assad regime.
German Chancellor Merkel will meet with President Sarkozy today with Syria topping their agenda.  British Prime Minister David Cameron has already accused Russia of “shielding those with blood on their hands”. Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard condemned the positions of both Russia and China with regard to their veto at the UN. Italian Foreign Minister Giulio Terzi denounced the UN Security Council veto by both Russia and China.
As far as I can tell, the boiling point on Syria has been attained as the display of outrage and condemnations have become wider and more consistent. Under these circumstances, my message to Mr. Assad is not to look-up to Omar al-Bashir of Sudan with the blood of 300,000 Darfurians on his hands but rather to look around you to grasp what’s in store for you if you do not relinquish power immediately.