Beware of Hezbollah Sympathizers on U.S. Soil

Beware of Hezbollah Sympathizers on U.S. Soil

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America is home to hundreds, if not thousands, of active Hezbollah sympathizers who work under the radar to promote the terror organization to different powerful political groups in the U.S. Beware of Hezbollah sympathizers on U.S. soil.

Some are active in the Jewish community while others are active in the Christian Evangelical communities promoting the notion that Hezbollah and Iran, with their ally Assad, are supportive of Christians in the Middle East unlike Sunni Islam. What those operatives forget to mention is the number of Christians Hezbollah has killed, or participated in killing, in Lebanon.

This morning the U.S. Treasury Department added another Hezbollah front man, Ali Youssef Charara, to its long list of sanctioned Hezbollah operatives. Most of those front men operate out of Lebanon, but some, like Ahmad Tajideen in the Democratic Republic of Congo, have strong business ties in Africa the US is watching carefully.

While the U.S. has captured into its narcotic (DEA) and weapon smuggling (ATF) nets many Hezbollah front men and women who attempted to bypass U.S. laws and sanctions, its Hezbollah sympathizers net has been lacking. Whether this is because these sympathizers are careful not to break any U.S. laws or whether the FBI lacks the resources, with war on ISIS as its top priority, is hard to say. The sympathizers, though, are like ant cities busy developing business and political relations in support of Iranian and Hezbollah terror.

Especially after the Obama era is over.

Between the U.S. Treasury that chases Hezbollah financial transactions around the world, the Drug Enforcement Agency, which has successfully prosecuted several Hezbollah cases of law breakers operating on US soil, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), which has also prosecuted several Hezbollah front men, only the FBI lacks any records of successfully prosecuting Hezbollah sympathizers breaking U.S. laws. Maybe, it is a coincidence. It is also possible because the FBI lacks the resources.

Beware of Hezbollah sympathizers on U.S. soil. Their stories are compelling and the Hezbollah orders or instructions they receive to fine tune their propaganda is something every American must be aware of. One does not want to be swept into any FBI net once the giant Federal Agency awakens to the political Hezbollah operating in our midst recruiting powerful Americans to assist the terror group.

Here are some red flags one must be aware of in how Hezbollah sympathizers catch people in their nets:

  • If someone tries to make the case that Assad protects the Christians of Syria. This is their best entry point to drive you into the Hezbollah cave. Eventually that message evolves into something more sophisticated. No one has killed more Christians than Assad has. Just ask the Lebanese.
  • If someone tries to explain Sunni terror while ignoring Shiite terror. They speak of Whabbism, but ignore totally the danger of Wilayet al-Faqih the discipline upon which Iranian terror is based. Terror is terror no matter the religion.
  • If someone tries to speak of how open the Shiite religion is to change and adaptation to the modern world as compared to Sunnism, and that Israel is safe because of that. Beware of anyone who tries to convince you that Shiism openness to change translates into a secure Israel. Never with the Mullahs ruling in Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon.

You have been warned. Beware of Hezbollah sympathizers on U.S. soil trying to feed the Hezbollah propaganda. It won’t be long before the FBI starts tracking them and holding them accountable once they break U.S. laws.

Beware of Hezbollah Sympathizers on U.S. Soil


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