You Will Not Believe the Latest Hezbollah Cruel Joke

You Will Not Believe the Latest Hezbollah Cruel Joke

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You will not believe the latest Hezbollah cruel joke against the Lebanese people. Nasrallah of Hezbollah announced on al-Manar TV that it is willing to make sacrifices for Lebanon. No kidding. After all this time making sacrifices for Iran, Hezbollah saw fit to make such an announcement at this time as the Lebanese people are beginning to question its origins, its goals, and its agendas.

Imagine that Hezbollah, born post-Iran Revolution of 1979, 100% funded by Iran, takes its marching from Iran, and represented by 100% by its all Lebanese members, says it is willing to sacrifice for Lebanon. Does that not sound to you like the cruelest of jokes that a Lebanese organization says it sacrifices itself for Lebanon? Should that not be taken for granted? Should the sacrifice not be so normal as never to bother mention it for fear of sowing doubt?

Iran, for her part, emphasized the Hezbollah’s sacrifice by promoting it on its IRGC extended news propaganda arm the Tansim News Agency. In Iran, everything runs in a circle. IRGC to Tansim, Tansim to Hezbollah, and Hezbollah to Iran … Sorry to Lebanon.

Next time you hear Hezbollah say it is willing to sacrifice for Lebanon, feel free to cry if you are Lebanese, and laugh if you are not.


  1. Hezbollah Killed Rafik Hariri as a sacrifice for Lebanon. The greatest sacrifice for Lebanon was to kill its most successful and popular prime minister in Lebanon’s modern history. In fact, Hezbollah’s sacrifice for Lebanon paid off in spades for Assad, who occupied Lebanon with Hezbollah’s help, and for Iran who feared Hariri’s international connections the scale of which surpasses easily any European leader.
  2. Hezbollah joined Assad in his war against Syrians as a sacrifice for Lebanon. In doing so, it forced over one million Syrian refugees to descend on Lebanon, which made Lebanon’s economic situation worse. To defend its activities, Nasrallah claims it had to join Assad to fight DAESH. When in fact, it was Assad and Russia who released Islamist terrorists from their prisons to make Syria’s civil war look like a religious war.
  3. Hezbollah initiated the 2006 Israel invasion as a sacrifice for Lebanon. There is absolutely no reason for Israel and Lebanon to be enemies. They are because Iran wants them to be. In 2006, Hezbollah attacked an Israeli patrol in a cross-border raid, which prompted Israel to invade Lebanon. All because Hezbollah was sacrificing for Lebanon, not because it received orders from Iran to actualize the raid. So many sacrifices for Lebanon, so little time to destroy it.
  4. Hezbollah has disarmed itself as a sacrifice for Lebanon. What kind of organization takes orders from a foreign country, uses its weapons against the Lebanese people as it did in May of 2008, and says it is sacrificing for Lebanon? What kind of organization that gets 100% of its funding either from Iran or through drug smuggling and then claims it is sacrificing for Lebanon? You can fool all the people some of the time, but … Hezbollah can’t fool nobody no more.


Dear and good Lebanese people, Hezbollah exists only to serve Iran. Not to sacrifice itself for Lebanon. It only sacrifices to serve the interests of the Ayatollahs in Tehran. Do you understand now why we titled this article “You will not believe the latest Hezbollah cruel joke”?

Hezbollah is a religious extremist terror group and sees itself as Shiite before it sees itself as Lebanese. The same way DAESH and al-Qaeda see themselves as Sunni Muslims before their admit their national identities. This is why its loyalty is first to Iran, and not Lebanon.

When Iran spreads its wings across all the Arab countries and builds a new empire, it will not be called the Arab empire. It will have a religious name or meaning. One that adheres to the Shia Wilayat al-Faqih or Guardianship of Islamic Jurist.

Next time you hear Hezbollah say it is willing to sacrifice for Lebanon, feel free to cry if you are Lebanese, and laugh if you are not.

You Will Not Believe the Latest Hezbollah Cruel Joke


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