Michel Aoun Sold Lebanon to Hezbollah

Michel Aoun Sold Lebanon to Hezbollah

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In 2006, when Michel Aoun, supposedly a pro-west proponent at the time, defected to the other side represented by the axis of violence (i.e. Syria, Iran, and Hezbollah), he signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Hezbollah they both dubbed the Mar Mikhail Understanding. In it, Michel Aoun sold Lebanon to Hezbollah in return for support to become Lebanon’s president.

Michel Aoun wanted to become President simply to rob the country blind.

Forward to 2020 and everyone can see clearly what the damage the MoU has caused Lebanon. But no one more than Samir Geagea who heads the Lebanese Forces Party, a Christian party opposed to Hezbollah and Iran, can see that devastation coming. First-hand as an insider.

Instead of bringing [Michel Aoun’s MoU] Hezbollah under the wing of the state, it brought the state under the wings of Hezbollah, which destroyed every chance for the rise of a real state in Lebanon.Samir Geagea, September 7, 2020.


In a speech in Maarab that commemorates the sacrifices of the Lebanese Forces who fought and died during the Lebanese civil war defending their country from a Palestinian takeover, Geagea reminded the Lebanese of how Michel Aoun sold Lebanon to Hezbollah:

There is a magical word which summarizes the reasons behind everything we have reached, which is the Mar Mikhail understanding. The Mar Mikhail understanding was a deal between two parties to secure their narrow partisan interests at the expense of Lebanon as a country and at the expense of the state, sovereignty and the Lebanese people.

Then Geagea added what we believe is the definite bombshell. Equivalent to Trump’s “Losers” and “Suckers” labeling of our brave U.S. troops. He said:

Instead of bringing [Michel Aoun’s MoU] Hezbollah under the wing of the state, it brought the state under the wings of Hezbollah, which destroyed every chance for the rise of a real state in Lebanon.

It [Hezbollah] must cede the decision of war and peace to the state and it must end its blatant and unjustified foreign interventions. — Samir Geagea, September 7, 2020.

In other words, Michel Aoun sold Lebanon to Hezbollah. Why would he do that? To enrich himself. This is how corrupt this thief is. Any wonder Lebanon is suffering an economic meltdown while Michel Aoun cushions his pockets with public money and foreign aid!


Geagea’s speech coup de grâce came towards the end when he said:

The time for returning to Lebanon has come … Hezbollah must change its behavior and orientations and it must organize its relations with the state, the same as any other party. It must engage in its rebuilding. It must cede the decision of war and peace to the state and it must end its blatant and unjustified foreign interventions.

Or in plain and brief Arabic:

Hezbollah must stop being an Iranian agent. Either it is Lebanese or Iranian. It cannot be both.

We say that if Hezbollah stops what it does best, which is spreading destruction and managing with incompetence, it will perish a slow death.

Michel Aoun Sold Lebanon to Hezbollah


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