A Shameful History of UAE Detaining and Torturing People

A Shameful History of UAE Detaining and Torturing People

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For those on  the surface scratching Arab news, many recognize the United Arab Emirates for its positive attributes. It is wealthy, progressive, and far more liberal than Saudi Arabia. It also claims to be a tourist destination that competes directly with Egypt and Morocco in Arab speaking countries. But what those in the know would tell you is that the shameful history of UAE detaining and torturing people resembles more the real truth about the al-Nayhan family ruling it. Sinister activities lurk behind their image polishing reality.

Take for example the story of David Haigh who was the former Leeds United MD. The al-Nayhan family detained him and then proceeded to torture him. On September 22, 2017, he “spoke to delegates of the United Nations 36th Human Rights annual conference about his experiences of torture and unfair trails in the UAE.”

The International Campaign for Freedom in the United Arab Emirates (ICFUAE) wrote:

Haigh spoke to the UN for the first time about his experiences of detention in Dubai, detailing the abuse and torture he suffered at the hands of Emirati officials, the false confession he was coerced into signing, and how he was also raped by prison guards. As well as this, he provided an eyewitness account of the mistreatment that other prisoners suffered sharing his facility, detailing the abuse and torture they suffered at the hands of the Emirati authorities.


In 2011, ABC News showed their viewers a damning video about one of the UAE rulers actually torturing someone. Someone videotaped the session, which many believe to watch again and again to satisfy the al-Nayhan’s sadistic urges.

The sadistic video created a stir, which soon died down. Unlike the Mohammad bin Salman’s evidence ordering the killing of Jamal Khashoggi, which caught global attention. Nonetheless, the al-Nayhan family sadism is in full display in this video. It shows the real truth about what Gulf rulers, like those in the UAE, are capable of.

They pilfer, they torture, they kill, and the United States remains steadily supportive of these uncivilized and barbaric Bedouins.


Also in September of 2017, the British authorities received a complaint from against the UAE rulers for torturing three Qatari citizens starting in 2013. The three accused their tormentors in UAE of  subjecting them “to severe torture while in prison including beating, electric shocks, hung upside down, solitary confinement and death threats.”

The British MI5 runs the UAE intelligence nerve center, which means the complaint went no where.

Welcome to the home of the al-Nayhan family where Gulf sick predators roam. The good news is that these petty dynasties won’t last. Why? Because they offer nothing to humanity to sustain their development and shelf life. In fact, they are a burden that many have yet . Eventually, technology is changing the world in ways that will turn Arab useless dictators, like the al-Nayhans, into obsolete monarchies chasing depleted global support.

Think global resource-shifting initiatives to quiet global rising unrest.

Think CRISPR too.

A Shameful History of UAE Detaining and Torturing People

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