A Tale of Neglected Military Trucks and Hypersonic Missiles

A Tale of Neglected Military Trucks and Hypersonic Missiles

If you look closely at why Russia is losing this war in the Ukraine, look no further than the tale of its neglected military trucks as opposed to Vladimir Putin pouring billions in his hypersonic missiles technology. Apparently, one of the reasons the Russian military’s many failures is not having paid enough attention to its trucking fleet, or the high maintenance needs they demand as they transport troops and materials to conduct the war. The lowly ordinary military truck, one of the most unglamorous of all the military hardware, is about to write Russia’s failures in the mud fields of the Ukraine.

So while Putin builds his ultra modern offensive hardware he has been testing on civilians in Syria and Ukraine, his armies falter and die because the polished dictator did not pay enough attention to the most basic of hardware to win a war.

So typical of a man who believed Russian land mass gave him the rights to brand his country a superpower. One would have to think his nuclear missiles may not even fire up with such incompetence as the world is a witness to, today.

The myth of Russian superpower is melting like an ice cream cone in August.


Part of the reason Putin is losing the war in Ukraine is mainly due to logistics. It seems the breakdown of his trucking fleet, partially due to lack of good engineering and partially due to the bravery of the Ukrainian forces targeting their military supply lines, is so severe that the Russian army is now sending regular commercial trucks to the front to deliver their supply lines.

Commercial trucks cannot withstand the harsh environments of battlefields, which exacerbates further the problem. Stories of Russian troops abandoning their tanks due to lack of fuel or ordinance is mainly due to trucks not reaching their positions to re-supply them with both.

In an article Brad Lendon wrote for CNN, he quotes Phillips O’Brien. O’Brien is a professor of strategic studies at the University of St Andrews in Scotland:

Civilian trucks are not made to military grade. They’re not made to carry the loads, they’re not made to carry the specific pieces of equipment. A single mile in peacetime, if you drive it in wartime, is like 10 or 20 miles because you are pushing the truck hard with huge payloads. CNN by Brad Lendon - April 14, 2022

There you have it. In Plain English. The myth of Russian superpower is melting like an ice cream cone in August.

Anyone who cannot see that Putin is no longer a danger to the world with a decisive win in Ukraine should not be in a position of responsibility.


Vladimir Putin is not sitting pretty in Ukraine today. He just lost the pride of his navy the Moskava to Ukrainian missiles, which is a morale killer for his forces. To say that he is on his back heels is an understatement. The time to defeat his army in the Ukraine is upon us, and brave men in this administration must step up to finish him off militarily.

Do these brave men exist? Not in Jake Sullivan, our National Security Adviser, who is walking on egg shells when it comes to Ukraine. Such men are incapable of attaining total victory because it scares them.

The Biden Administration is leaving the matter of what heavy weapons to send Ukraine to Jake Sullivan and Lloyd Austin, our Secretary of Defense. It is hard to imagine that the Ukrainians are getting all they need when they keep asking for more. History will not be kind to those making those decisions if we don’t open the spigot for Ukraine to win this war decisively; instead of a drip-drip strategy that is missing the big picture.

Anyone who cannot see that Putin is no longer a danger to the world with a decisive win in Ukraine should not be in a position of responsibility. These people should not be making any decisions on how we should conduct the war against Putin.

Because if we do, Putin might actually turn the tide and win this war.

A Tale of Neglected Military Trucks and Hypersonic Missiles

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