Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Has Become the GOP Biggest Nightmare

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Has Become the GOP Biggest Nightmare

With one decision, one trip, and one act of kindness, today Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has become the GOP biggest nightmare.

To say that all of us, let alone Texans, were appalled when Ted Cruz escaped Texas for warmer climate during the failure of its electric grid, followed by AG Ken Paxton and his wife flying to Utah for some electricity, is truly an understatement. The sight of Ted Cruz just abandoning his constituents just hit us all the wrong way. It was as if Ted Cruz himself just sunk his teeth in every voter in this country.

During the Texas ordeal, what did Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) do? She raised millions and then flew to Texas to lend a hand to Beto O’Rourke, the candidate who lost to Ted Cruz in 2018, in giving Texans a break. In the process, Ted Cruz looked like a modern day Gollum, and AOC looked like a modern day Mother Teresa. And boy did that role fit her like a glove.

When two of the Texas GOP stalwarts escaped their responsibilities in plain sight, AOC showed Texans how little the GOP cares about the people. Especially in Texas where the party has been more the party of corporations. Images juxtaposed of AOC helping Texans and Ted Cruz and Ken Paxton escaping Texas will be forever engraved in the minds of their voters.

AOC captured the imagination and the admiration of many for her empathy, courage, and high profile on the national stage for her youthful energy and intellect.


Armed with 12.5 million Twitter followers, AOC is expanding her grassroots reach and influence faster than anyone could have predicted. Her policies aside, this lady must be the most intelligent Congresswoman serving in the House today. Her common sense and good judgment have earned her the admiration of not only her constituents, but from those who just met her or learned about her. The GOP has a nightmare on their hands. Her name is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Once a Member of Congress joins the House, the first lesson they learn is to shut up and obey the leadership wishes. This is how you earn the points, over time, to take you places within the hierarchy of the party.

But not AOC who saw an opportunity in gaining power over the leadership by staying in touch with the people directly. Her Texas trip is just an extension of what she has been able to accomplish to free herself from the party leadership and blaze her own trail. In doing so, she, indirectly, captured the imagination and the admiration of many for her empathy, courage, and high profile on the national stage for her youthful energy and intellect.

Meanwhile, the media has exponentially increased the reach of her message whenever the opportunity presents itself. This AOC/Media love affair is based on the mainstream media’s admiration of a Representative who truly acts for the interests of the people. Unlike Ted Cruz and Ken Paxton.

An uber-liberal New Yorker showing Texas politicians how disconnected they are from their own people is not a sight one witnesses every day.


AOC could give a rat’s ass about corporate sponsors or big money donors. She refuses to deal with special interests groups unless they tow her line and then some when it comes to the many issues she has been championing. That kind of independence frees her to become the conscious of the House.

On many occasions, in the past, AOC used her time in Congress to blast the corruption and ineptitude of her fellow colleagues for their disloyalty to their constituents. That has earned her the reputation as a maverick willing to do the people’s business and not some corporation trying to twist the laws to suit their shareholders’ greed.

AOC’s ability to peel the GOP onion for the rot to ooze out is unparalleled in its efficiency. And there is no better example to give than her trip to Texas when their own politicians let Texans down with a big splash of “We could care less about yo’all”. An uber-liberal New Yorker showing Texas politicians how disconnected they are from their own people is not a sight one witnesses every day.

You can already see AOC campaigning for Beto O’Rourke in 2024 to defeat one of the worst Senators Texas has ever elected in Ted Cruz. One can see her popularity explode, especially among women, for her tireless and hard work to save lives during the freeze. It is hard to imagine Texans will ever forget AOC for her benevolent work even though the GOP-led media downplayed her role.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Has Become the GOP Biggest Nightmare

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