All Israeli Consulates Are Now Fair Game

All Israeli Consulates Are Now Fair Game
All Israeli Consulates Are Now Fair Game

Now that Israel has bombed the Iranian Consulate in Damascus, all Israeli consulates in the Arab world are now fair game. It is exactly what Benjamin Netanyahu always wanted in order to start a war that only our boys can wage and die for to save the Zionists in Israel. Netanyahu and his sick government of extremists will not rest until U.S. troops find themselves in the crossfires of their terror. It was not enough for Biden to send them weapons and money, Israel is also thirsty for the lives of our American soldiers. 

Who but the demented and the deranged Joe Biden would deliver our armed forces on a silver platter for the Zionists to feast upon?

There is no telling how Iran is going to respond, but do not be surprised if a large missile hits an Israeli Consulate soon. These Consulates do not have any protection. They are just sitting ducks. Especially in peaceful countries like Jordan.

Israel would not have hit that Consulate without Biden’s permission if Israel follows the usual protocols of cooperation. This means that the idiot Joe Biden has agreed to this attack without processing its impact.

If future Consulates and Embassies cannot be sanctuaries for those fighting Israeli terror, they will not hesitate to make Israel pay a dear price to free themselves from that Israeli escalation.

Netanyahu knows it, but Biden is tool senile to understand it.

If Iran hits any Israeli Consulate, we imagine it would do it almost immediately for the world to witness the cause and effect side-by-side.


Thanks to Israel, this strike on the Consulate of a sovereign country is not only illegal, it also violates all international laws. Iran has every right to respond to this unprovoked attack by striking an Israeli Embassy or Consulate the time and place of its choosing.

Even if countries like Bahrain, which has missile defense systems, tries to defend against an Iranian missile strike on the Israeli Consulate, its emir would not dare. If he does, it is open war between Iran and little, tiny Bahrain that Bahrain could ill-afford. Its people would rise against the rulers for defending Israel.

This attack may be the Middle East own Archduke Franz Ferdinand moment. It may yet start World War III with all the tensions festering between the United States and Russia, the United States and China, the Arab world and Israel, and the Southern Hemisphere against the Northern Hemisphere. It’s that moment, which might break a whole civilization apart for a new world order to rise.

Again, thanks to the two madmen, Joe Biden and Benjamin Netanyahu.

If Iran hits any Israeli Consulate, we imagine it would do it almost immediately for the world to witness the cause and effect side-by-side. Otherwise, later, many might forget why Iran attacked that Consulate out of the blue.

Countries should immediately respond to Israeli terror.

All Israeli Consulates Are Now Fair Game

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