All This Death to Save One Psychopath Dictator

All This Death to Save One Psychopath Dictator

King Salman Rightfully Blames Psychopath Assad for Rise of Islamic State
Like Psychopath Assad Putin is Targeting Hospitals
John Kerry Handed Psychopath Assad a Diplomatic Victory

In Syria, there is all this death going on to save one psychopath dictator named Baschar al-Assad. All these Syrians dying daily just so one violent and brutal man stays in power.

How will history judge the Syrians who supported and fought to save one psychopath dictator not worth a dime? Will history call the Alawites self-driven suicidal maniacs and the Christians short-sighted blind mice? Or, will history remind them of the very brave and moderate men and women who could have served as an alternative to Assad, and along the way also saved a whole nation and its people? Or will they awaken to this fact on their own?

How will history judge the Western leaders whose interference was too little, too late, or lack of interference, which created too much terror, too early? How will history judge Barack Obama’s lack of judgment and ignorance as he responded in slow motion to Iran saving one psychopath dictator?

How will history judge Iranian terror, its ethnic cleansing, and its illegal occupation of Syria to save one psychopath dictator? Will history aggressively condemn Iran, or will it just forget their trespasses as the White House has so willingly.

How will history record the death of so many Hezbollah and Iranian fighters in Syria to save one psychopath dictator? Will the Iranian mothers whose sons died needlessly forget the whole exercise was to save one psychopath dictator not worth one dead Iranian soldier?

How will history judge Vladimir Putin who risked embroilment in Syria to save one psychopath dictator when there are so many other Alawite generals willing to replace him? Will the body bags flying to Moscow be enough to judge Putin’s shortsightedness?

All this death and destruction in Syria that is causing refugees to flee to Europe, terror to increase exponentially, Iran and Russia to invade Syria, Shiites and Sunnis to slaughter each other, the use of chemical weapons against civilians, the rise of far-right political parties across Christendom is all to save one psychopath dictator.

Has humanity been nailed by dumbness and numbness? Not one brave Western leader to stand-up to a worthless dictator who would have been cleaning toilets had he lived in a democracy.

The world has accepted that one psychopath dictator is worth all this death and destruction not seen since WWII.

There is no clash of civilizations, Western civilization has lost already.

All This Death to Save One Psychopath Dictator


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