America Deserves Far Better Than Barack Obama

America Deserves Far Better Than Barack Obama

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America deserves far better than to let a bad president make a bad deal with some very bad people. America deserves far better than to let Barack Obama make Iran a partner of hers.

America deserves far better than to become an accomplice to Assad’s crimes by association, or a protector of Hezbollah by no choice of her own.

America deserves far better than to be forced into submission by Barack Obama to serve his own twisted ideology.

Under this president, America is acting like a third world country kowtowing to dictators, mass murderers, tyrants, sycophants, and sociopaths. America deserves far batter than that.

What have you done to America Barack Obama?

America deserves far better than her Democratic legislators all quiet and giddy, and all letting Barack Obama mock their great nation with illogical and outright dangerous policies.

Shame on any legislator who is turning a blind eye to Obama’s submitting this nation to terrorists and barbarians of the first order. Their silence is an act of treason against everything this country stands for.

America deserves far better than a U.S. President whose background is unveiling before us in the form of a dangerous direction aimed at weakening this nation.

America is ill-equipped to accept peace at any cost, which Obama is about to sign because her greatness rests on the notion of peace through strength, one Barack Obama is happy to trade away to serve his ideology.

America deserves far better than to partner with terrorists threatening our allies in the Middle East who have come to rely upon our friendship and share our values. How could any alliance in the future trust this nation with any promises she makes? America stands hugging the Mullahs in a world that refuses their ideology of death and destruction.

What have you done to America Barack Obama?

America deserves far better than to side with terrorists and miscreants, killers and thugs, murderers and chemical weapons users, religious radicals and fanatics, butchers and tyrants, executioners of women and children, terror traffickers and violence peddlers.

What have you done to America Barack Obama?

America deserves far better than Chicago Communist thugs Obama could not thank with billions of dollars that could have been earned had Chicago become a host of the Olympics, so now Valerie Jarrett offers them Iran on a silver platter as a consolation prize.

Follow the trail of money Valerie Jarrett will command to unravel this Iran deal. You will be surprised where it might lead America.

America deserves far better than to let Barack Obama also enrich his Chicago Communist comrades by opening Iran to them in order to continue his legacy of weakening this great nation even further than what he has done so far.

America deserves far better than Barack Obama.

America Deserves Far Better Than Barack Obama


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