American Jews White Supremacists Teachable Moments

American Jews White Supremacists Teachable Moments
Poland. Children at the Auschwitz concentration camp on January 27, 1945. The camp was located 60 km to the west of the city of Oswiecim.

Who is the Representative leading the charge against Donald Trump for his attempts at stealing the elections? Rep. Jamie Raskin. Who is the attorney leading the lawsuit against Marjorie Taylor Greene’s right to run for office? Ron Fein. Who is the judge that held Donald Trump in contempt for failing to respond to NY state attorney general’s subpoena? Judge Arthur F. Engoron. These three cases showcase one thing. American Jews are fighting back antisemitism in the courts of law. It is the American Jews White Supremacists teachable moments. It sends the signal: Hate us at your own peril.

The White supremacists haters in America have not learned their lessons. Never again means never again.

Maybe, some of them would finally grasp a certain truth. That hate cannot exist in a vacuum. That there are consequences to their bigotry.


Never will Jews around the world see a threat coming and ignore it. They will defend their rights for peace of mind and quiet enjoyment of life no matter who tries to destroy it. How can we blame them? If Marjorie Taylor Greene bothered to visit the Holocaust Museum, less than a mile away from her office, maybe she would have thought twice about becoming a hater of Jews.

As for Trump, forget him. He is too dumb to learn but through prison bars.

How do I know this? Some of my best friends are American Jews.

This is the teachable moment every White Supremacist should heed. If these white supremacists, mostly ignorant Anglo-Saxon Protestant miscreants, were so smart and so supreme, they would have steered away from hating the Jews.

You see, Donald Trump may have eager listeners among his supporters, or around his intimate circle of friends, but what Trump cannot possibly comprehend is that our legal and political system is multi-faceted. It’s America with all its religions, its colors, and its races. As such, White Supremacists don’t realize that the very same people they hate are in positions to make their lives miserable. And they are.

Maybe, some of them would finally grasp a certain truth. That hate cannot exist in a vacuum. That there are consequences to their bigotry.

Maybe someone close to Trump may put one and one together to discover that their hate comes at a price.

American Jews White Supremacists Teachable Moments

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