An EU Show of Solidarity, a Clash, and a Veto

An EU Show of Solidarity, a Clash, and a Veto

Britain clashes with Russia over Assad chemical use
Send Assad a message he will understand
Syria’s children tortured raped shot by the Assad regime

The OPCW report on Syria pointing the finger at Assad’s Air Force for dropping chemical weapons on civilians resulted in denials by the psychotic Assad regime and its main supporter the veto-wielding thuggish Putin regime. So, when the United Nations Security Council met to discuss the issue, there was an EU show of solidarity, which resulted in a clash with the Russians.

Guess what. The Russian veto will always win because Putin and his regime cannot be shamed. Barbaric humans are not subject to shame.

For Vladimir Putin, the savage, using chemical weapons is a right and a duty

AP published a story describing the clash at the United Nations Security Council:

Syria’s close ally Russia clashed with European nations in the U.N. Security Council on Wednesday over a report from the global chemical weapons watchdog blaming the Syrian air force for a series of attacks using sarin and chlorine on a rebel-held town in 2017.

Maybe the Europeans’ show of strength at the United Nations session is a wake-up call against Putin’s aggressive global policies to impose Russian barbarism. Maybe it’s temporary because often one finds the sleepy European diplomats are talking peace to their hungry, attacking bear to their east. The fresh air felt good though. Even if followed by Alpian heights lacking of oxygen.


Europe understands that Russian legitimization for the use of chemical weapons is a dangerous precedent. It opens the door wide to a bleak future for humanity; especially if today’s perpetrators go unpunished. Of course, Putin mindset is detached from this reality. For this savage, using chemical weapons is a right and a duty, and no one should feign consternation at Russia’s defense of psychotic Assad.

During the U.N. Security Council session, Estonia’s U.N. Ambassador Sven Jürgenson understood what impunity may mean for humanity. He condemned “the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian regime,” and said “those responsible must be held accountable.”. He added:

Without accountability, the atrocities will continue, if not by the Syrian regime, then by others emboldened by the ability to use these horrendous weapons to hold onto power. We, therefore, call on the states parties of the Chemical Weapons Convention and the Security Council to act decisively and in a united manner to respond to the findings of this report.

Little and beautiful Estonia just checkmated Putin!

We don’t believe The Kremlin is able to digest this simple and human message. Not in their DNA to save people. Stalin must be so proud of today’s Russia.


At TFS, we don’t believe there is a way around a veto. Except one.

Without the multilateral use of force, Assad will survive to gas innocent Syrian women and children again. And maybe, one day, other peoples as well. Sociopaths cannot distinguish between borders. If Assad deems Europe his enemy, then Europe runs the risk of becoming his next victim. And Putin, once again, would be standing besides him cheering him on.

The civilized world must remove Assad from power today. There is zero chance Syria might fall in the hands of extreme Islamists. Not when the Syriac Orthodox Church faces the risks of another Constantinoplian exodus. Patriarch Kirill won’t let Putin stand by.

So what is the west waiting for? Another veto? Or another dystopian tour de force where Putin distributes pictures of him kneeling down Rodin’s way and thinking what to do about Europe.

An EU Show of Solidarity, a Clash, and a Veto


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