Apply Political Pressure to Cancel Your Student Debt

How to Apply Political Pressure For Student Debt Cancellation

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) is mounting a campaign to encourage student debt holders, which now number some 45 million voting Americans, on how to apply political pressure to cancel your student debt. Her message of hope for millions of Millennials, many of whom are minorities the banking industry convinced that without a 4-year college degree, their job prospects would diminish considerably. Since, banks, to include Sallie Mae, have issued $1.8 trillion in loans producing at least $200 billions in interest payments a year. And along the way, destroyed the lives of so many in so little time.

Watch the good advice AOC provides in her video below.

In other words, one million letters to the President means 12 million votes.


Let us start with the basic and the most effective way.

Visit the White house contact page and write a direct message to the President. Believe it or not, most of the correspondence a President receives is compiled by White House staffers and analyzed for their pulse. The more messages pour in asking for student debt cancellation, the more you will grab President Joe Biden’s attention. No U.S. President would ignore a million Americans sending him a similar message online coming in from all the over the country asking him to cancel their student debt.

Besides sending a message electronically, you could also write the President directly the old-fashioned way. For security reasons, all letters are read and so will yours.

Sometime ago, Congress has analyzed what it means to write your representatives direct letters. They discovered that for every letter they receive, twelve Americans don’t write even though they support very much the same issue. In other words, one million letters to the President means 12 million votes.

To help you start the process, there are two important rules to follow:

  • Be Brief: This is not where you tell your life story. But do personalize and humanize your correspondence if you can.
  • Be Respectful: Use respectful language throughout your letter. You are addressing the President after all.

After you send the correspondence, whether electronically or by mail, ask every member of your family, every friend you have, and every student you know to duplicate. There is immense power in numbers. There is no reason why you cannot help each one write a similar personalized letter.

Do it now. Do it today.

The key is the President. He holds all the powers necessary to cancel all student debt with a stroke of a pen. So concentrate all your efforts and energy on addressing him directly.


We know already, as AOC mentioned in her video, that there is a provision in the American Rescue Plan bill that treats student debt cancellation as non-taxable. But what about other issues related to student debt cancellations? What about the interests accumulated? or if the loan is in arrears, the collection fees the greedy banks have coded into law, which could be as high as 50% of the loan itself?

Would these be part and parcel of the student loan debt, or will the President, if cancellation is forthcoming, ignore them, which means a student may still be held accountable to pay amounts as large as the debt itself if they have been in arrears?

This is important to briefly address in your letter to the President. Something like:

“Mr. President, my student debt is $55,000 of which $25,000 are interests in arrears and collection fees. Both represent over 83% of the original loan itself. Please make sure such is considered in your Executive Order if you chose to assist the 45 million voters suffering from excessive tuition costs.”

While it is as important to write your Congressman or your Senator, I would not waste any time writing them. Those folks are under the spell of who contributes the most money to their campaigns.

The key is the President. He holds all the powers necessary to cancel all student debt with a stroke of a pen. So concentrate all your efforts and energy on addressing him directly.

Apply Political Pressure to Cancel Your Student Debt

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