Assad Confirmed Ballistic Missiles Coordination with Iran

Assad Confirmed Ballistic Missiles Coordination with Iran

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Syrian foreign minister says Iranian ballistic missiles that targeted militants in eastern Syria the previous day are part of “legitimate” cooperation between the two countries to combat terrorism. Assad confirmed ballistic missiles coordination with Iran.

What many may have missed in this attack is the possibility that the Syrian Government may enter a war against Israel if and when Iran decides it is strong enough to strike the Jewish State. In addition, Hezbollah, which has been armed to its teeth with missiles by the Iranian regime, will join such a war.

Walid al-Moallem told the Beirut-based Al-Mayadeen TV Iran coordinated the strikes with the Syrian government.

Iranian officials said the strikes were in retaliation for an attack on a military parade in Iran last month.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which monitors the war in Syria, said the strikes killed eight people.

Iran Launching Dangerous Satellites

Iran has launched several satellites in the last decade that facilitate its missile program. The regime has several more launches planned soon. This morning, Azer News reported the following:

Head of Iranian Space Agency (ISA) Morteza Berari said on Oct. 1 that domestically-made satellites Payam-e Amirkabir, Dousti, and Nahid-1 have been completely built and are ready to be launched, IRNA reported.

The satellites should give the Iranian regime more missile precision capabilities.

  1. Dousti is a micro-class remote-sensing 52-kilogram spy satellite developed by the experts from Sharif University of Technology.
  2. Nahid-1 is a micro-class relay communications satellite to amplify radio communications for longer-range missiles to reach their targets.
  3. Payam-e-Amirkabir design permits it to spy on neighboring countries using imagery and telecommunications.

The coordination between the two countries may mean Iran might share its intelligence with the Assad regime for the purpose of extending its influence and terror in the region.

AP contributed to this article.

Assad Confirmed Ballistic Missiles Coordination with Iran


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