Assad Targets Hospitals Schools Markets

Assad Targets Hospitals Schools Markets

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The Assad regime killed at least 12 people and wounded dozens on Tuesday in aerial strikes on a popular market in a village in opposition-held northwestern Syria, rescuers and residents said. Assad targets hospitals schools markets and the world shrugs its shoulders.

Residents and rescuers said bombs Assad dropped on Maar Shoreen village in southern Idlib province left a trail of death. It destroyed the main street of the village’s market.

Activists releasing videos on social media showed footage of charred bodies lying on the streets alongside badly burnt people.

Assad, with help from Putin, have killed hundreds of civilians since a Russian-led assault on the last rebel bastion in northwestern Syria began nearly two months ago. This is according to activists and rescuers.

The Russian defense ministry denies it targets civilians when in fact it does.


The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR), which monitors casualties and briefs various United Nations agencies, said in its latest report that the Russian-Syrian alliance had targeted 31 civil defense facilities, 37 medical centers and 81 schools in 11 weeks of relentless bombing.

It said Assad and Putin are behind killing 606 civilians to include 157 children.

“O God, people have become charred. It’s doomsday,” said Abdullah al Idlibi, a rescuer from the civil defense team.

Russian jets joined the Syrian army on April 26 in attacking parts of rebel-held Idlib province. It was the biggest escalation in the war between Assad and the Syrian people refusing to live under his terror.

Residents and rescuers say the campaign has left dozens of villages and towns in ruins. Assad has forced at least 330,000 people to leave their homes for the safety of areas closer to the border with Turkey.

Assad Targets Hospitals Schools Markets

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