The Audacity of Narcissism

The Audacity of Narcissism

Be brave, the Khameneists are coming
Obama Leading in Missed Opportunities
White House Occupants Who Believe They Won a Vacation

When Obama explained his inaction on Syria by making a statement to the effect “… that it is doing right by the people of Syria and neighbors like Israel”, our heart blew a valve. Literally. Ah! The audacity of narcissism in the times of Napoleon Obama.

The reaction has to do with the audacity of narcissism of a lecturer-in-chief watching Syria burn and then make a false statement. One that went “doing right by the people of Syria”. Was the President talking about the right of the Syrian children to die unnecessarily or the right to see a country tear itself apart with every seam in its religious fabric holding its unity explode so violently?

Prior to the Kosovo campaign, we do not recall President Clinton saying that waiting out the massacres of Milosevic was “doing it right by the people of Kosovo”. President Clinton lived in the reality of the moment, not in some surreal Peter Pan story. Does President Obama believe his statements stick? Or maybe, he is trying to convince himself of how great his Syria policy is.

The worst part about President Obama’s statement is the lack of sensitivity so evident before our eyes towards the plight of others; as well as the lack of accountability accorded to him so regularly by the mainstream press. No one, within that mainstream press corps –usually the only one accorded the lifetime opportunity to interview him–, questions him on the nonsensical statements he makes regularly.

Obama’s glass tower is untouchable. All those reporters claiming legitimacy of the profession have become human fork lifters. They have adopted a single-minded duty of carrying Obama to his glass tower to keep him insulated from criticism.

The Audacity of Narcissism

None of the left-leaning media realizes the harm their country may face. When none of them is willing to risk an invitation to a ball to bring this President down to earth.

There are many pronouncements we can think of to describe the President’s audacity of narcissism. The one that seems the most appropriate, for this instant in history, is “Lie if caught, spin if wrong, and confuse at all times”.

How else to describe Obama’s audacity of narcissism when he disregards long term US interests? Interests that are threatened by an unprecedented increase in extremism in the Middle East. Worse yet, he spins the Syrian tragedy to make it “right” for those suffering the most.

Non-intervention by a super power is tantamount to a surrender. This is how Islamic extremism, and a basket full of enemies, view America today. By the time we realize how dangerous a policy was to abandon the ME, Obama will be long retired.

There is a moment in the lives of powerful men, enjoying the audacity of narcissism,  when their public adoration, their do-no-wrong-attitude, and their disregard for reason come crashing down when their mistakes pile-up. It was inevitable in Napoleon and it will be inevitable in Obama’s case. Mainly because of this glass tower the mainstream media has built to shield him from criticism.

Maybe the media thinks he is a Cinderella. We think the man never took the right step in the first place to lose a shoe.

The Audacity of Narcissism


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