Axis of Self Destruction Is Working to Bust US Sanctions

Axis of Self Destruction Is Working to Bust US Sanctions

Donald Trump Fifty Shades of Syria
Any Smart Voter Casting for Trump is a Traitor
To Hell With 2020 Starting With COVID and Ending With Trump

While the world is busy with Lebanon, Syria and Iran, or the Axis of Self Destruction is working to bust US sanctions. Both countries are quietly building new networks to deliver funds, weapons, and power they lost because of isolation.

Building such networks requires time and effort. Because of good U.S. human and interceptor intelligence, it is back to the medieval pigeon system for Assad and Khamenei. Instead of passing orders and information electronically, Assad has to rely on couriers. Just as Bin Laden did when he discovered that the U.S. is capable of intercepting his communications.

The smartest move the Trump Administration implemented in Syria was to lock Syria’s oil supplies


Just recently the United States was able to extend the Caesar Act to Assad’s son Hafez. The latter contacted Gulf businessmen to lure them to bust the US sanctions against Syria. It was easy intelligence for the United States because the integrity of the supply chain was insecure. In other words, Assad was relying on greed to keep the Gulf businessmen from giving his son away. It did not work. Often fears trumps greed.

As long as that integrity can be compromised, the Axis of Self Destruction will find it difficult to bust the sanctions. However, in the past we have witnessed Chinese and Russian companies venture into the wild with Syria and Iran to assist both regimes to survive, and it is likely that both countries may be doing just that today.

The smartest move the Trump Administration implemented in Syria was to lock Syria’s oil supplies from ever becoming an off-the-books asset the Assad regime can trade it as a future commodity at discounted present value. By making sure the Assad regime has no access to oil, any sanction-busting efforts the Russians and the Chinese might undertake will be on a pro bono basis. Since neither is a charity, our best guess is that both are waiting for the U.S. election results in November.

Incidentally, on that score, China is working to defeat Donald and Russia is working to keep him in the White House. Should Russia succeed, Trump would certainly turn a blind eye to any excesses by Putin. In fact, we believe he might ask Putin to invade and occupy all of the Ukraine. As payment for the country refusing to investigate Joe Biden.

The fact that the Washington Post cried foul about Obama’s Syrian policy may just be enough for Biden to avoid Obama’s point men and women who failed the country miserably


If Biden wins, between COVID-19 and the economy, our guess the Biden Administration will have little time to address any non-urgent international matter. Not until late 2021. If the Democrats capture all three Houses, extend it another year. The Bills to pass in Congress would jam all traffic. Including any bandwidth the President can spare to international matters when domestic issues are priority.

This is true, we believe, except if Joe Biden selects a National Security Advisor or Secretary of State that President Barack Obama worked with. There are those who believe we should extend the Syrian and the Iranian regimes of terror every courtesy, and even facilitate their violence. Just as Obama did with Iran.

We are talking John Kerry and Susan Rice; and to a lesser extent figures that are not worthy of mention.

The fact that the Washington Post cried foul about Obama’s Syrian policy may just be enough for Biden to avoid Obama’s point men and women who failed the country miserably. We hope so. Also, it is rather encouraging that Biden did not select Susan Rice as his running mate. We will bet our house the Biden vetting team discovered deep-rooted antisemitism in her background.

As Syria and Iran concoct to bust the sanctions, and as Russia and China wait for the US elections outcome, our hope Joseph Biden might be smart enough to distance himself from the Obama Iran and Syria policy. Not selecting Susan Rice for the VP position is a good sign.

Now all we need is to keep John Kerry to stay quiet. His harm is irreparable.

Trump has had a fallout recently with Sheldon Adelson, one of his biggest donors


There is a good chance the real true colors of Donald Trump come out to blind everyone.

Trump has had a fallout recently with Sheldon Adelson, one of his biggest donors. Adelson has been a supporter of Iranian sanctions and there is a possibility Trump may pay him back by reversing his policy on Iran. He is that vindictive. Never mind what this could do to his country. The Axis of self destruction working to bust the sanctions would certainly welcome his spitefulness.

Further, considering Trump real racist motives and support of white supremacy, the man may simply just turn the spigot of his Twitter towards blatant antisemitism. He has already shown that propensity before when he lauded the Unite the Right Charlottesville neo-Nazis.

It is as well possible for Trump to do so much more harm to U.S. interests by giving in to Putin or giving up what Putin wants.

Axis of Self Destruction Is Working to Bust US Sanctions


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