Bahraini Parliament Seeks Recognition of Ahwaz Occupation

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Source: Asharq al-Awsat – by Adil Alsalmi (Bahraini Parliament Seeks Recognition of Ahwaz Occupation)

40 members of the Bahraini parliament agreed on a petition filed by 5 of their colleagues to the chairman for the recognition of Ahwaz as an occupied Arab country, a Bahraini MP said.

The source stated that the petition calls on considering Ahwaz as one of the Arab countries located east of the Arab homeland, in addition to depicting its people as “Arabs subjected to Iranian occupation”.

Moreover, it accuses Tehran of carrying out acts of aggression in Ahwaz and “taking advantage of the absence of the Arab role in view of regional and international conditions that threaten the nation’s solidarity and attempt to drive it apart.”

MP on Foreign Affairs and National Security Defense, Abdullah bin Howail told Asharq Al-Awsat that the petition reflects the Ahwaz people’s aspirations of being rescued from oppression and injustice inflicted by Iran, for decades now. The action taken represents “a start to voice the Ahwaz people’s opinion to the world, and highlight their suffering from subjugation and exclusion.”

“The daily executions being carried out are based on oppressing provisions that embody Iran’s exposed attempt to frighten the people of Ahwaz away from speaking up and raising legitimate demands, which is what we will be taking upon ourselves persistently and permanently, we will request international movement to give the people of Ahwaz the right to determine their own future”, MP bin Howail added.

There was also the notion of uprooting the natives from their rightful place accompanied with random unjust acts of Iranian settlement, and the imposition of measures benching on stripping Ahwaz from its Arab Identity.
Furthermore measures Iran is imposing prove inhumane and comprise form a stretching variety of executions, arbitrary arrests, and unjust torcher of Ahwaz’s youth.

The parliament’s petition insists on the necessity and duty of Bahrain’s official recognition of Ahwaz as an Arabian country, and for the government to pursue within gulf effort movements towards the recognition of this country.

Bahraini Parliament Seeks Recognition of Ahwaz Occupation


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