Barack Obama is the Most Dangerous Man Alive

Barack Obama is the Most Dangerous Man Alive

Shia Terror-Backing President
Guns dictate peace
While Barack Obama Naps Under a Tree

Barack Obama is the most dangerous man alive today with immense, unchecked powers he is using to destroy America’s influence and values.

His secret plans for America, Europe, and the Middle East are becoming crystal clear if you consider the domestic burdens the next president will inherit, his silence on the Russian invasion of Syria, which will exacerbate the Syrian refugee problem against Europe, and the Iran Deal aimed at destroying our U.S. allies, especially Israel Barack Hussein Obama hates more than Ali Khamenei.

Everyone is beginning to wake up to Obama’s danger, especially the Europeans. Barack Obama is the most dangerous man alive today.

Why would Obama not establish a No-Fly Zone in Syria to protect the Syrian civilians from the Assad terror machine, which would stem the flow of the Syrian refugees towards Europe and halt ISIS terror recruitment? Putin just established a No-Fly Zone in Syria with minimum Russian troops on the ground.

Why would Obama strike a bad deal with Iran that unleashes the Mullah’s terror on the region without securing a deal that is conditional on their behavior change?

Why would Obama ram laws down the American people throats instead of working with the GOP to find a middle ground? Why would he use his Executive powers to skirt Congress if not to harm U.S. interests without any oversight?

Why would Obama not slam Russia with sanctions after its invasion of Syria if he really wanted Assad gone? Barack Obama is the most dangerous man alive because he protects terrorists, criminals, thugs, and sociopath mass murderers.

Make no mistakes about it, Barack Obama is the most dangerous man alive today. He is destroying everything this nation built, since World War II, in terms of constructive diplomatic relations and political goodwill with many nations around the globe. His policies have diminished American power to the point where every thug and terrorist is willing to trample upon U.S. interests without fear of retribution.

Barack Obama is the most dangerous man alive today. How America voted for this man is going to be a question the next generations would be asking incessantly the way other generations have asked about every disaster that challenged America’s greatness.

If the Vietnam War disturbed us, Obama is going to haunt us after he is gone. If the Iraq War angered us, Obama is going to infuriate us after he leaves office. The most dangerous man alive is not done yet. He has one more year to harm America’s interests even further, and he will not hesitate a minute.

America still has much to fear from Barack Obama who is the most dangerous man alive.

Barack Obama is the Most Dangerous Man Alive

  • steve 4 years ago

    i believe that obama went into office with intent to destroy the united states since he stated that when he was in college.

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