Batman with a Keffiyeh

Batman with a Keffiyeh

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Feast your five senses upon this possibility. There is really no God. Homo sapiens invented Him for comfort and hope. Instead, we got wars, death, violence, and terror.

You want me to find God, show me those terrorists that burn instantly, not in hell in another Galaxy. If not, waste not my time.

Today, the anger over my religious lost ways is my compass, and those of millions of other Muslims.

Living in the times of terror IS terror, if you are a peaceful Muslim.

If I am right (insurance “if”), are cartoons, the art of deploying mind to pen and pen to emotions, really worth their Islam to double down on wars? Or antagonizing the rest of us? Is war against infidels at home not enough blood for them?

Do Cartoons of Mohammad really matter when you are trying to marry a daughter or give birth to one? When you are about to become a father, not in the far future, or think you will soon? What is wrong with our race and our religion? Why do we always screw up our priorities?

Cave dwellers, like the Chiropterans, rely on their sonar sensory to find light in the dark. Some of us Muslim cave dwellers rely on blindness to see our way around self-imposed darkness. No one cares when we bounce off walls and drop dead, but why ricochet others into the same fate?

No ten-year old should be asking the question: “Mom, why did the Muslims kill the cartoonists? I love cartoons.”

One day, he will be a drone pilot. In Texas. Aiming at their homes in DumDumLamabad. He will never miss or regret.

Marvel Comics has a responsibility to influence with a new Mohammadian hero helping Muslims foil violence; a Batman with a Keffiyeh. Oh, and call the character Keffayah (or Enough, if your Arabic is rusty).

Marvel has the distribution in Muslim lands, but do they have the courage of their heroes?

The West has Batman, we have Keffayah. In Arabic. Get me Marvel? Then get off your asses. We need you.

As “Bruce”, Keffayah is a cartoonist named… Mohammad. Imagine the possibilities.

Look Ma, Mohammad draws his own images fighting terrorists.

Wage war by freeing their children from their clasp of terror. Wage war by freeing their minds from the narrowness of their ideas.

Why do we care about someone drawing the cartoon of Mohammad? Did he read in the Koran “No cartoons allowed?” Hell NO. The Koran does not even forbid images.

God? What God if we invent words He did not say or ideas He did not claim? In His name, we kill for cartoons that actually make Him laugh. Humorless chimps that we are.

Keffayah... Coming to a camel stand near you.

Batman with a Keffiyeh


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