Better Figure Out Why America Is So Angry. Quickly.

Better Figure Out Why America Is So Angry. Quickly.
Better Figure Out Why America Is So Angry. Quickly.

If anyone has any doubts that America has become a country of overly angry citizens, which brought us the likes of Donald Trump and Matt Gaetz, doubt no more. The Biden Administration better figure it out quickly why America is so angry and plug that hole. The fact that Trump may be the next GOP nominee is a sign that whatever is making Americans furious at their government remains a national security problem for the country.

We have our own opinion as to why Americans are so angry. None of which a sitting President car resolve because it involves standing up to billionaires, big business, and their armies of lobbyists.

Americans, in the last 40 years, have totally lost control of the direction of their own government. Take for example this statistic. James Thurber, who heads the Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies at American University in Washington, told Reuters that there are up to 90,000 lobbyists in Washington, D.C.

These lobbyists write the laws Congress passes on behalf of their rich and powerful clients. They also raise money for lawmakers and even recruit them to become lobbyists once they leave the government. It’s a Ferris wheel of corrupt and unethical practices, which leaves the average American voter at the mercy of their Representatives to do the right thing. To vote for their interests.

We think Americans have become so angry because the quality of their lives has been in decline.


We think Americans have become so angry because the quality of their lives has been in decline, as they compare it to that of their parents. The difference between 1960 and now is that today, our legislators mostly raise money from lobbyists, who are the real writers of our laws.

This led to an out-of-control Congress that dramatically changed our quality of life. It also ushered an unprecedented period in which mental health issues have increased. Today, according to Johns Hopkins, 26% of Americans have a mental disorder.

Meantime, the super rich are soaking up trillions of dollars of income the government is willing to give up, while minimum wage has risen by $1.40 in the last 26 years.


Here are some other important issues to explain the anger.

  • Their parents went to college and paid the tuition off by working between classes. This generation is laden with over $1.9 Trillion of student loan debt.
  • Their parents paid reasonable prices for their prescription and healthcare costs. The children of the baby boomers’ generation are filing for bankruptcies because they can no longer afford the skyrocketing costs. Healthcare household expenses accounted for 5% of GDP in 1960, while today, it tops 19.7%.
  • Based on a 2015 stat, a child costs $233,610 annually to raise, which does not include higher education tuition fees. In 1960, even after adjusting for inflation, a child cost their parents $60,215. Folks, that’s almost four times more.
  • Meantime, the super rich are soaking up trillions of dollars of income the government is willing to give up, while minimum hourly wage has risen by $1.40 in the last 26 years.
  • In 1986, US gun manufacturers produced about 3 million guns annually. In 2013, it has reached 11 million guns. Gun violence is out of control, killing children at schools, and causing mass shootings.

America is going through a period of legalized corruption and lawless capitalism.

We better figure out why America is so angry and why people are capable of storming Congress so deliberately.


Other pernicious issues, like climate control, are left to our children to tackle. Many see the lack of action as harmful to the next generation.

And that’s just a few factors helping the likes of Trump to rise to power.

We better figure out why America is so angry and why people are capable of storming Congress with such ease. We better figure out what the solutions are, and start applying them because, if this continues, it won’t end well for generations to come.

In the January/February issue of the Atlantic, Charles Duhigg answers this massive question by blaming a man who, after buying a new car, went to his mistress house to show her, which made his wife angry. That’s The Atlantic definition of angry Americans in 2019.

We are led to believe, by people who have no business writing, that Donald Trump came to power because of a wife/mistress problem. That the anger the country is experiencing is the result of small inconsequential incidents happening in our personal lives, which is as moronic an idea as can be.

Who gave that guy the right to write his article is as much to blame for this idiocy.

America requires a drastic change of course if we want our country to survive the likes of Donald Trump.


The anger America is experiencing is much bigger than some wants us to believe by the likes of Duhigg. America is experiencing a transformative time, which could impact the country in ways we cannot even imagine today. Maybe this is why there is resistance to funding Ukraine in some circles. Perhaps, Americans are saying we need that money to stay home to lift our quality of life. One that was stolen from them by greed, lawless capitalism, and lack of integrity by all those who believe the election finance system, where the rich and powerful buy our elected officials legally, is good for the country.

This anger that brought us Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert will not go away by implementing small policies to appease. America requires a drastic change of course if we want our country to survive the likes of Donald Trump.

Better Figure Out Why America Is So Angry. Quickly.

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