Between Peace out of Conviction and Peace out of Fear

Between Peace out of Conviction and Peace out of Fear

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The Middle East has delivered the world two kinds of peace with Israel. Anwar Sadat and King Hussein of Jordan both embraced peace with Israel out of their political convictions and a better future both mapped for their countries. UAE just declared peace with Israel more out of necessity than conviction. The necessity to focus the Arab street on the Arab Cause against Iran. There is a difference between peace out of conviction and peace out of fear.

One is permanent and the other one lasts as long as survival remains elusive. Historically, peace based on political convictions are long-lasting because behind it stands two free-willed nations. Any other peace concocted to relieve some pressure has the tendency to fragment over time. This kind of peace happens because of the convenience of the moment.

This is not to say that the world should not praise the UAE and Israel for their courage to take this important step. Arabs and Israelis have been struggling for over 70 years with peace, and in-between that struggle several wars broke out that destroyed what remains of Arab capacity to build their nations. We should applaud The Abraham Accord and the leaders behind the effort.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is apprehensive of Joe Biden who co-presided over the Iran Deal


One would have to imagine that for the majority of the Israeli people a peace is a peace. There is no need to dwell on the small details and their mechanics. In that regard, Israel has demonstrated this kind of realistic pragmatism ever since its inception, and The Abraham Accord gets the country closer to becoming a full Arab partner for the prosperity of all.

On the international level, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is apprehensive of Joe Biden who co-presided over the Iran Deal. And rightly so. Biden is not Obama but there is no denying that Obama’s behind the scenes will cast a long shadow on the decisions of the Oval Office. Both men remain close, and both men share many of the attributes we saw Barack Obama expose during his presidency.

Those on Biden side would tell you the Biden presidency will be totally independent from the policies of the Obama era. Whether this means Biden realizes the past mistakes no one knows. However, the fact Biden did not select Michelle Obama as his running mate means one of two things: 1) Michelle Obama did not want to run for office even though she remains politically semi-active or, 2) Biden is distancing himself from the Obama years.

But Arabs and Israelis are not taking any chances. Shoring-up the Trump elections shores up their chances at isolating Iran and diminishing the terror of the Ayatollahs in Tehran. Who could blame them?

For Israel, The Abraham Accord opens its economy to the Gulf and helps Trump in his election bid. The very essence of a double win.

No Arab country can afford another Obama era of wimpy responses and sheer ignorance


The peace between Israel and the UAE is a trial balloon for what comes next, which is a similar peace treaty between Saudi Arabia and Israel. It will probably be the October surprise Trump hopes will inject enough media coverage to lift his sagging approval numbers and hopefully win Trump another term in office. Why are the Gulf countries in a rush to make peace with Israel and help Trump in 2020? Because they fear Iranian specter and Biden turning a blind eye to Iranian terror as Obama did.

Arabs cannot afford but execute the best strategy to save themselves from an Iranian invasion. Considering their resources, populations, and military capacities combined, Iran would win hands down should the Ayatollahs decide to terrorize them. With Biden in office, he might ignore their pleas as Obama did. No Arab country can afford another Obama era of wimpy responses and sheer ignorance.

The Abraham Accord is also a win-win for UAE.

The Accord moves our attention from the Palestinian Cause to the collective Arab Cause of protecting the Arab identity from a Farsi invasion of mayhem and terror. It is about survival, which makes their peace contrived more out of fear than conviction.

Between Peace out of Conviction and Peace out of Fear


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