Biden Is Finally Feeling The Heat

Biden Is Finally Feeling The Heat
Biden Is Finally Feeling The Heat

In an admission of guilt, fake as a three-dollar bill, over supporting an extremist Israeli government that is causing a global outrage over its mass killing of women and children, Biden succumbed by saying that Benjamin Netanyahu “has to change”. Biden is finally feeling the heat when he publicly admits that supporting and backing Benjamin Netanyahu, an extremist terrorist, may not have been a good idea for his re-election efforts. Americans voters, in key swing states, are dropping him faster than he can count. But do not let Joe Biden fool you. While the optics for his chances of re-election look very bleak, he is trying to put the blame on Netanyahu to save his hide.

As if Joe Biden had nothing to do with the genocide he funded and weaponized.

A new CNN poll shows that Donald Trump leads Joe Biden in two key States: Georgia and Michigan. Who lives in Michigan but the 156,000 Arab-Americans voters who helped him win it in 2020? And who now have made it clear publicly they no longer support Biden.

Biden is finally feeling the heat of standing by Netanyahu to collect donations from wealthy Jewish donors, while forgetting the voters who put him in the White House in the first place. Now, he is trying to backtrack by claiming he had nothing to do with Gaza, just like the sneaky and hypocrite politician that he is.

Meanwhile, who is going to save the people of Gaza as Biden begins shifting the blame, but without admitting his own responsibilities for the Gaza genocide?


CNN called the difference between Netanyahu’s actions and Biden’s wishes, a rift. Who are they kidding to distance Biden from the war in Gaza? Benjamin Netanyahu and Joseph Biden are one and the same. Both committed Zionists who have no quarrel killing innocent civilians. One sends the weapons and the other serves them. Just like a chef in the kitchen, and a waiter in a restaurant.

Biden wants the world to know that only the waiter is to blame. He wants to convince us that he disagrees with the extremism of Netanyahu’s government, the same one he bypassed Congress to send them 14,000 rounds of tank ammunition. What a mistake he is making if he thinks people are going to buy into his conniving act.

Here at Punditry, we truly believe Joe Biden has gone senile. No other President, within hours of the attack on October 7 dives head first in the shallow waters of the pool without first assessing all his options. To include where the U.S. interests lie, as the world sees the American hypocrisy as clear as day when it comes to the human rights of Ukrainians as opposed to those of the Palestinians.

Had Biden been blessed with one extra ounce of commons sense, he would not have backed an extremist and fascist government whose ideology defies his. That should have been the first red light to force him to hit the brakes. Instead, he floored the gas pedal. Time to pay the price is upon him.

Meanwhile, who is going to save the people of Gaza as Biden begins shifting the blame, but without admitting his own responsibilities for the Gaza genocide?

Biden Is Finally Feeling The Heat

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