Bravo France. Vive La France. Obama, You Coward

Bravo France. Vive La France. Obama, You Coward

To France: We Are So Sorry We Elected Barack Obama
The Paper Bag President
France Is Not Falling For The Kerry Lavrov Ruse

France led international criticism of Russia on Saturday for bombing civilians in Syria, a charge Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev rejected as major powers bickered openly just a day after they agreed a pause in combat in Syria. Bravo France. Vive La France. Obama, you coward kept silent in the face of Russian criminality in Syria.

Not one word uttered from the first black president with the blackest heart.

The differences between the stakeholders in a Syria settlement highlighted their lingering divisions despite Friday’s “cessation of hostilities” agreement, which was not signed by any of the warring parties on the ground – government forces and the opposition – and does not take effect for a week.

The “cessation of hostilities” agreement was produced by John Kerry to please Sergey Lavrov whom he looks up to and seeks approval from.

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls, in a head-to-head debate with Medvedev at a security conference in Munich, pressed Russia to stop bombing civilians in Syria, saying this was crucial for achieving peace in the country.

“France respects Russia and its interests … But we know that to find the path to peace again, the Russian bombing of civilians has to stop,” Valls told the conference. Bravo Valls. Bravo France. Vive La France.

The major powers clinched their deal on a pause in combat in late night talks in Munich on Friday, at a time when Syria’s psychopath Baschar al-Assad’s government is poised to score its biggest victory over rebels – in Aleppo, Syria’s biggest city before the war – with the backing of Russian air power.

If implemented, the truce deal would allow humanitarian aid to reach besieged towns. But several Western countries have said there is no hope for progress without a halt to the Russian bombing, which has decisively turned the balance of power in favor of the psychopath Assad after almost five years of conflict.

Late on Friday, Turkey’s foreign minister said Russia was targeting schools and hospitals with its bombing. Mevlut Cavusoglu put the blame squarely on Moscow for the wave of tens of thousands of displaced people who have arrived at the Turkish border over the past week.

Reuters contributed to this article.

Bravo France. Vive La France. Obama, You Coward


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