Cannot Wait To See You Retire in Infamy Mr Secretary

Watch John Kerry Begging Iran Over Syria
The Obama Terror Dream Carousel
Even when the Buck Stops Here, Just Blame the Jews

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Friday he expects new talks on Syria to begin as soon as next week, and did not rule out participation by Iran, the psychopath Baschar al-Assad’s closest ally, which has been kept away from past peace conferences.

Honestly, we cannot wait to see you retire in infamy Mr Secretary. The Iran you want to invite is run by Mullahs who chant “Death to America”, whose snipers murdered pregnant women rummaging for food, and whose ethnic cleansing has caused millions to be displaced or exiled. You are a disgrace to America Mr. Secretary. 

Along with counterparts from allies Saudi Arabia and Turkey, Kerry met for two hours on Friday in Vienna with Sergei Lavrov, foreign minister of Russia, which has transformed momentum in the 4-year-old Syrian civil war by bombing Assad’s enemies. The relationship between Kerry and Lavrov is similar to the relationship between a master and his slave.

So far all diplomatic efforts to end the conflict have foundered over the demand by the United States, European countries, Arab states and Turkey that Assad leave power as a pre-condition for peace, which he refuses to consider.

“What we agreed to do today is to consult with all parties and aim to reconvene, hopefully as early as next Friday, with a broader meeting in order to explore whether there is sufficient common ground to advance a meaningful political process, Kerry told reporters. In other words, Lavrov flagellation felt good. Looking for more next week.

Asked if a meeting next week could include Iran, Kerry said he would not speculate on who might attend. But he added: “We want to be inclusive and err on the side of inclusivity rather than exclusivity.” Inclusivity of terrorists and barbarians that is. we cannot wait to see you retire in infamy Mr Secretary

Iran has not been invited to previous international peace conferences on Syria, all of which ended in failure, while the war, which has so far killed more than 250,000 people and driven millions from their homes, has raged on. Such an embarrassment for John Kerry not to invite the savages ruling Iran.

Russia, the hospital bomber, has long maintained that Iran should be included in Syrian peacemaking. Lavrov said he hoped Iran, as well as Egypt, would be invited to the next round of talks.

Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir said Friday’s meeting had failed to achieve consensus over the future of Assad. Kerry, too, acknowledged wide differences with Moscow and Tehran over the future of the Syrian leader.

“Diplomacy has a way of working through very difficult issues that seem to be absolutely contradictory and, on their face, begin at odds. And this is one of those issues where the statements clearly – and current positions – are at odds, Kerry said. “But if we can get into a political process, then sometimes these things have a way of resolving themselves.” Truly, we cannot wait to see you retire in infamy Mr Secretary.

Happy your friend the psychopath Assad is still in power, Mr Secretary?

Reuters contributed to this article.

Cannot Wait To See You Retire in Infamy Mr Secretary

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