China Is Collecting New Allies. Thanks to Biden

China Is Collecting New Allies. Thanks to Biden.
China Is Collecting New Allies. Thanks to Biden.

Because of the Israel-Hamas war, and because of how President Joe Biden responded by siding 100% with Israeli violence against Muslim women and children, the world is showing signs of a cataclysmic shift very few are paying attention to its impact. Thanks to Biden, China is collecting new allies under its BRICS umbrella. On January 1, 2024, Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates will become full members in this intergovernmental organization.

Yesterday, BRICS, which now includes countries totaling 3.7 billion people, condemned Israel for its genocidal war on Gazan civilians. Not Biden, nor Jake Sullivan, saw this coming. But while they stay mum about Biden’s catastrophic foreign policy move in full support of Israeli savagery against Palestinian civilians, China is collecting new allies who have either turned on America, or may yet turn on her soon.

Way to go, Mr. President. Siding with Israel, instead of playing the wise arbiter, has made America weaker, politically and diplomatically. China, Russia, and Iran, our hardcore enemies, now have influence over half the planet’s population.

Mr. President, you have to stop taking money from certain billionaires in this country, whose loyalty to Israel trumps their loyalty to America.


We all know that a President looks for people around him to provide the right advice and counsel. In addition to hiring those whose ideologies meet with the President’s expectations and goals. But what most people do not know is the oversized influence funders of his campaign have over policy.

So, if a Jewish American billionaire funder seeks to influence Biden directly on Israel, a President usually listens. It’s the power of money an elected official deals with to retain power. Unfortunately, sometimes their influence goes against the national security interests of the United States, and only a smart President would know the difference and steer themselves away from that influence. George Bush Senior was that kind of President, but Joe Biden is not.

Mr. President, you have to stop taking money from certain billionaires in this country, whose loyalty to Israel trumps their loyalty to America. They cannot help themselves because of the danger their race and religion is constantly under, and had you been wiser and smarter, you would have recognized the dangerous nuance to our core interests.

The Israel-Hamas fiasco is going to cost the United States much in terms of its global influence, if it has not done so already. And no amount of foreign trips on Air Force One are going to fix your Israel blunder.

China is using your faux-pas with regard to Hamas to amass more power to serve against US interests. Most voters are clueless about the impact of your policy, and how it may impact the US standing on the world stage.

Our advice is to steer away from funders whose main concern is only Israel. Just as George W. Bush steered away from them after the Iraq War.

China Is Collecting New Allies. Thanks to Biden.

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