Compare Queen Elizabeth Mourning to Trump’s

Compare Queen Elizabeth Mourning to Trump's
Compare Queen Elizabeth Mourning to Trump’s

We all are masters of our own universes and our own destinies. The choices we make in life project unto our legacies among our own. So, when Queen Elizabeth died on September 8, the whole world mourned her reign of dignity and fortitude even though she, like the rest of us, was not infallible or super human. The outpouring of love from all corners of the world is simply remarkable. For a moment, let your imagination run wild with this idea. Compare Queen Elizabeth mourning to the same when the Fuhrer Trump leaves our world.

Compare the over pouring of sincere emotions by her people all united behind their queen to the lack of because of the divisions Trump has sowed into his to figure out just what kind of memorial or funeral Trump should expect upon dying.

Not a pretty picture, we must say. Nonetheless, let us expand on this concept further.

Ask yourself, who would mourn him sincerely? Who would mourn him to take his place or get the backing of his supporters on the cheap? And who would refuse to mourn him outright by either staying silent, or worse yet, by bidding him a below-the-belt Adieu worthy of Shakespeare?

How can we compare Queen Elizabeth mourning to Trump’s when he dies in the future? It’s impossible. This is like comparing your mother’s apple pie to the poop of your dog.


The majority, we would say, would issue statements of condolences to his family, but without the usual recital of his virtues or his era as a former President. How could anyone find anything virtuous about Donald Trump is beyond our comprehension.

With one exception, we might add. Former vice President Mike Pence might, just might, sing his praises faster than the Fuhrer’s body could start decomposing. Pence might believe he deserves to become a President in the future, but the rest of the country might remember him as Vichy Pence. With all the glorious history of kowtowing to his almost murderer.

As a politician, Donald Trump has made more enemies in his life than any other official or non-official in recent memory. The man has a knack for making dead people turn in their own graves because he lacks the maturity and the wisdom of a normal person. Besides not paying his contractors and those who do business with him, he has mastered the art of belittling men ten times greater than the man he is. Remember the late, great John McCain?

There will be hundreds of books yet to be written about Donald Trump. All will share one theme in common centered around “We all wish he was never born“. Not in this era, not in this country, and not at all. So, while Donald Trump enjoys the fervor of his uneducated followers, he, as a man of history, will slide down its abyss of scorn and derision forever.

How can we compare Queen Elizabeth mourning to Trump’s when he dies in the future? It’s impossible. This is like comparing your mother’s apple pie to the poop of your dog.

The real truth about a man they believe should have never been born.


Senators Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley would mourn Trump just to take his place. Both could care less about the personae of this man both hated with passion but could not bring themselves to any sincere and honest expression of such. Democrat Joe Manchin would say kind words just to keep his mostly conservative voters on his side even though he would not mean anything he utters.

Mitch McConnell would say what needs to be said just to move past the specter of Donald Trump who may have kept him from keeping the Senate majority seat. Mike Pence would sing Trump’s praises late in the night. A weakling’s attempt at his own redemption.

To ignore all the men and women Trump has harmed throughout his life by either swindling them or destroying their careers, those would be the ones lining up Constitution Avenue with their backs turned to his coffin. Some may find the courage to spit, and some will cry tears of happiness. But all and all, the country would have rid itself from one of the most controversial and despicable figures of the 21st century.

As far as President Biden and all the former Presidents still alive, theirs would be the shortest eulogy in the history of all eulogies expressing the least emotions with the least number of words. After which, they all might appear on TV to tell the truth.

The real truth about a man they believe should have never been born.

Compare Queen Elizabeth Mourning to Trump’s

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