Dear Canada, You Just Gave Birth to Your Own Steve Jobs

Dear Canada, You Just Gave Birth to Your Own Steve Jobs

‘How to sponsor a Syrian?’ is Canada’s top Google query on refugees
Drowned Syrian toddlers’ family did not apply for Canada entry
Thank You Canada

TFS Note:Ā Dear Canada, you just gave birth to your own Steve Jobs. Congratulations, and thank you.

Source: CBC News (Syrian refugees now in Toronto look forward to ‘beautiful future’)

Parliament unanimously approves motion to welcome Syrians after 163 newcomers arrive in Toronto

For newly arrivedĀ Syrian refugeeĀ Samer Barkel, hearing his kids laugh and play after their arrival in Canada made the 13-hour journey from Beirut, Lebanon worthwhile.

Barkel and his family wereĀ among the 163 Syrians whoĀ arrived in Toronto Thursday nightĀ inĀ the first governmentĀ aircraft carrying refugees. TheĀ Canadian government hasĀ pledged toĀ bringĀ in 25,000 refugees by the end of February.

“For my kids, it’s enough to see them smiling and laughing,” BarkelĀ told CBC News on his first day in CanadaĀ as hisĀ five-year-old boy andĀ six-year-old girl giggled and struck poses for the cameras.

His family is only halfway to their ultimateĀ destination in Calgary, but a world away from the perils of their former home, which millions of people have been forced to fleeĀ ??amid civil war.

Waiting to greet refugeesĀ at Pearson International AirportĀ airport on Thursday nightĀ wereĀ Prime Minister JustinĀ TrudeauĀ and Ontario Premier KathleenĀ Wynne.

After landing inĀ Toronto, the new arrivalsĀ were given warm coats,Ā social insurance numbers and health cards after a security and health screening at a special airport terminal renovated for their arrival. After processing, they were bused to an airport hotel to rest.

“They step off the plane as refugees, but they walk out of this terminal as permanent residents of Canada with social insurance numbers, with health cards and with an opportunity to become full Canadians,”Ā TrudeauĀ said.

Waiting to greet refugeesĀ at Pearson International AirportĀ airport on Thursday nightĀ wereĀ Prime Minister JustinĀ TrudeauĀ and Ontario Premier KathleenĀ Wynne.

After landing inĀ Toronto, the new arrivalsĀ were given warm coats,Ā social insurance numbers and health cards after a security and health screening at a special airport terminal renovated for their arrival. After processing, they were bused to an airport hotel to rest.

“They step off the plane as refugees, but they walk out of this terminal as permanent residents of Canada with social insurance numbers, with health cards and with an opportunity to become full Canadians,”Ā TrudeauĀ said.

GeorginaĀ ZiresĀ andĀ KevorkĀ JamkossianĀ lookedĀ bothĀ happy and haggard whileĀ toting their 16-month oldĀ daughter as theyĀ arrived in Toronto after spending almost a day in transit.

“Now, we feel as if we got out of hell and we came to paradise,”Ā JamkossianĀ toldĀ TrudeauĀ through an interpreter. “That’s how we feel.”

In Syria,Ā ZiresĀ worked as a clerk in a women’s clothing shop andĀ JamkossianĀ worked as a blacksmith.Ā A better life for their daughterĀ MadeleineĀ was the main motivation for coming to Canada.

“She is the reason for us to come here because here she can do many things,”Ā ZiresĀ said, also through an interpreter. “In other countries, she can do nothing.”

ShadiĀ Mardelli, who spoke to reporters at the airport shortly after he was processed,Ā said he’s lookingĀ forward to a “beautiful future” in Canada.

“Now in Canada, I can’t imagine my feelings,” he said. “I am so happy, thank you very much. I am looking for safety, a beautiful future andĀ a new future.”

A parliamentary welcome

Immigration Minister John McCallum saidĀ Canada is still on track to welcome 10,000 Syrian refugees by the end of the year.Ā He suggestedĀ dozens more planeloads of refugees will arrive in the next few weeks to meet the target.

McCallum and Health Minister Jane Philpott were at the Ottawa train station asCN RailĀ announced $5 million to support resettlingĀ the newcomers.?

All parties in the House of Commons unanimously adopted an NDP motion on Friday to welcome Syrian refugees to Canada.

“Resettling Syrian refugees is a national project that we should all be proud of,” NDP immigrationĀ critic JennyĀ Kwan said.Ā “As Syrian refugees arrive, they can be assured that all members of Parliament welcome them with open arms.”

Sarkis Jenanian of Aleppo spoke to CBC’s Linda Ward shortlyĀ afterĀ the sun came up Friday, and said being in Canada is “like a miracle.”

“It’s been a difficult journey,” he said. “But we’re happy because we’re safe.”

Later FridayĀ morning, Jenanian will go to an Armenian church andĀ meet up with his uncle.Ā Jenanian says he may settle in St. Catharines, Ont., where he has tentative plans to work at his uncle’s flooring business.

‘2 times I escaped from the bombs’

Carolina Sefilian arrived in Toronto last night with her sister, telling CBC News that a new life in Canada is “a dream come true” for the siblings after escaping violence in her home of Aleppo.

“The situation is so bad,” she said. “I have two friends, I lost them. Two times I escaped from the bombs. So I thought that my life is worth everything else, so I decided to come.”

She also thanked the Canadian government for the help.

The arriving families willĀ meet with their sponsorsĀ today,Ā like RitaĀ OdjaghianĀ with Armenian Families Support Services.

Among the people Odjaghian will helpĀ is a sister and brother who lost everything in Syria.

“It’s an emotional moment for us,” saidĀ Odjaghian. “We’ve been talking to them but this is now a faceĀ toĀ face. Providing them the dignity, the life. Back to the normal life that us Canadians have but now we are providing them.”

All of the Syrians who arrived yesterday areĀ sponsored by private groups. Many of those groupsĀ had filed the necessary paperwork months ago in order to bring in some of the estimated 4.3 million displacedĀ Syrians.

More than 400 refugees have already arrived on commercial flights since the Liberals took office on Nov. 4.

The 163 people who arrived Thursday will settle in the following Canadian cities, according to statistics released by the Immigration Department:

  • 116 at new homes in the Toronto area.
  • FourĀ inĀ Windsor, Ont.
  • Four in Kelowna, B.C.
  • Three inĀ Coquitlam, B.C.
  • One in New Westminster, B.C.
  • 20 inĀ Calgary.
  • 15 inĀ Edmonton.

A second flight is set to arrive in Montreal on Saturday.

Dear Canada, You Just Gave Birth to Your Own Steve Jobs


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