DeSantis Campaign Burns Its Donors

DeSantis Campaign Burns Its Donors
DeSantis Campaign Burns Its Donors

If you have read the article posted by CNN about Ron DeSantis Never Back Down Super PAC providing bad campaign advice, you will realize that it is a question of time before the DeSantis campaign burns its donors. How? By sending them scurrying to fund other GOP hopefuls, for fear that a Super PAC is not supposed to play the role of a political advisory committee.

A Super PAC giving campaign-style political advice goes against the very core raison d’être of a PAC. In fact, it directly violates campaign finance laws, and if the donors ignore such trespasses, it is a question of time before they see themselves hiring attorneys to defend themselves in a court of law.

How many Faux-pas does Ron DeSantis need to trip over before his donors realize he is the very essence of the words “unfit to be President”? Two, five, Twenty? Folks, Ron DeSantis is a mediocre politician whose mistakes keep piling up to show his unfitness and his pettiness.

How did his donors respond to the memo his Super PAC wrote about the debate coming up? Per Steve Contorno, the CNN correspondent, it “stirred confusion and anger from fundraisers and donors”.

One day, we may seek the antonym of the phrase “Giant of a man”, and it would return the words “Ron DeSantis”. It’s coming.

Considering how Tim Scott is charging the field, and how many find Vivek Ramaswamy refreshing, the Ron DeSantis campaign will die a slow death.


Every time Ron DeSantis and his staff are caught in a whirlwind of troubles because of the mediocrity of his whole campaign apparatus, and it’s messaging, DeSantis blames two groups of people: The “woke” and the media. Neither him, nor his campaign staff, are guilty of making a mistake. Any mistakes, in fact.

It’s never Ron, it’s always someone else. And sure enough, Andrew Romeo, his spokesman, responded to the latest foolish memo by saying:

This was not a campaign memo, and we were not aware of it prior to the article. We are well accustomed to the attacks from all sides as the media and other candidates realize Ron DeSantis is the strongest candidate, best positioned to take down Joe Biden.CNN by Steve Contorno - August 18, 2023

Oh, we forgot. He also always blame Joe Biden. Just to deflect from his own mediocrity.

It would surprise no one if Ron DeSantis looses every large donor if he keeps making these foolish mistakes. The only reason they have not abandoned him is due to one word, “Hope”. The hope that SCOTUS may block Donald Trump from running for office under the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Considering how Tim Scott is charging the field, and how many find Vivek
Ramaswamy refreshing, the Ron DeSantis campaign will die a slow death.

The GOP debate date of August 23, 2023, will be known as the Ron DeSantis political burial date.

DeSantis Campaign Burns Its Donors

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