DeSantis Just Swinging the Bat at Anything

DeSantis Just Swinging the Bat at Anything
DeSantis Just Swinging the Bat at Anything

First it was banning abortions after six weeks of pregnancy, then came banning funding for any diversity or equity programs at universities, after that came his infamous law to allow anyone to carry concealed weapons without a license and/or permit, and finally came the coup de grâce in banning anyone to learn about the history of the United States of America, especially when it comes to slavery. Is DeSantis just a racist, one should ask, or is DeSantis just swinging the bat at anything that moves, hoping something might stick regardless of what the polls are saying?

Especially with his latest decision to go after the defamation laws in Florida, which is a two-edged sword that could hurt the Republicans who usually lie, spin, and twist the truth every change they get.

Abortion, in particular, makes him unelectable nationally, according to Tom Rogers, Newsweek editor-at-large, because of polling data that swings more towards women’s rights.

You know who else banned books? Hitler, Taliban, and Stalin. DeSantis finds himself in great company. One can almost say that he is demonstrating amply that he is unfit to become the President.

Let us also not forget his position on Ukraine in support of the Russian invasion.

Maybe there are more racists in America than we thought possible.


Some in the Republican circles are beginning to question Ron DeSantis motives when it comes to electability. Why is he pushing for such unpopular laws, which nationally have failed to provide traction to any high office candidate? Is he hoping to change hearts and minds by showing strength at tackling controversial societal issues? Or is he simply out of touch with reality? From our vantage point, it looks like Ron DeSantis is just swinging the bat at anything that moves, regardless of the impact it has on his presidential chances.

After winning the Florida governorship race, did it get to his head that he is invincible? Or, did he just miscalculate what the public really is looking for in a presidential candidate? What is Ron DeSantis really doing by going after unpopular causes? To many, it seems he is committing political suicide.

Maybe he is positioning himself to neutralize Donald Trump and his criticism. After all, how could the most racist man in America today take a swing at DeSantis record on banning books and turning the clock on diversity? Maybe, DeSantis obsession with Donald Trump has gotten the best of him. It turned him into a political zombie, swinging the bat at anything that moves.

Let us wait and see where his actions are going to lead. Maybe he knows something the rest of America does not know. Maybe there are more racists in America than we thought possible.

DeSantis Just Swinging the Bat at Anything

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