DeSantis Presidency Will Finish What Trump Started

DeSantis Presidency Will Finish What Trump Started
DeSantis Presidency Will Finish What Trump Started

If anyone has any doubts about how extremist Governor Ron DeSantis is, read the many articles mainstream media has already published about his fanaticism and alt-right policies. It is no accident that he is pushing the envelope towards more radicalized laws, which, if unchecked, will turn the United States into the biggest fascist threat to the world where only 0.3% of the world population, of white supremacists, controls the other 99.7%. Just the kind of statistics that will spark devastating wars across many continents. A DeSantis presidency will finish what Donald Trump started in terms of breaking down the last vestiges of our democracy, to include dismantling our intelligence community to serve racism, violence, and terror.

Where do you think the word “Weaponize” comes from? It is just the beginning of the end of our democracy, as we the world has come to admire it. The opposite of “Weaponize” is “De-Weaponize”, which intends to kill democracy by killing the institutions that protect it.

We know already of one GOP radio host calling for an American dictator openly. Ron DeSantis might be that dictator, and if we elect him, or elect Trump, we will come to the end of the American great experience.

Furthermore, the time has come to fire Jaime Harrison. He has become the face of America’s incompetence, unable to confront the gravity of our situation.


America is heading to an all white permanent control of the country that will burn the Constitution. To think that the country’s diversity, the GOP is attacking violently, could one day become the ideal scenario for the world to emulate is melting before our eyes as authoritarian figures, like Ron DeSantis, rise to finish what Trump started. At the age of 44, DeSantis’ future lies in the destiny we choose for ourselves.

Will it be one that yields to the racists and the supremacists? Or, will it be the one we protect at all costs with our votes and activism? So far, the American voter is all alone. The Democrats, in their infinite wisdom, have talked about the danger lying ahead, but not enough, and not with any dire warnings to spark street protests. We need street protests TODAY to warn DeSantis and his kind that we will not allow the GOP to hijack our democracy.

Furthermore, the time has come to fire Jaime Harrison. He has become the face of America’s incompetence, unable to confront the gravity of our situation. We require a fighter in his place, not a compromiser, or an appeaser.

Because of the likes of Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump, never forget that our democracy is in real danger.


If we let Ron DeSantis even come close to the White House, we are risking total control of our country by white racists and bigots. They will not hesitate to pass Draconian laws to limit our freedoms and to silence our dissent, which are the first steps towards totalitarianism.

Just imagine national guard presence on every corner in every major city. Or, maybe you think this is impossible. It is not, we assure you. Remember Trump wanting to shoot peaceful protesters in the legs? Ron DeSantis will shoot them in the head.

The Biden Presidency is doing little to warn Americans about the dangers of Ron DeSantis. As Biden turns into his convenient compromise mode, the country is slowly breaking at the seams. There is no one to save our democracy but ourselves. There is no one to protect us from white violent racists but ourselves.

Because of the likes of Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump, never forget that our democracy is in real danger.

DeSantis Presidency Will Finish What Trump Started

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