Did We Reach the Limit of Syrian Tragedy?

Did We Reach the Limit of Syrian Tragedy?

Cheap Obama Cheerleader Outfits of Jeffrey Goldberg
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Once Upon an Arab League

We have an on-going war in Syria that has taken the lives of about 70,000 Syrians. All the direct result of the Assad regime of terror. We have the tragedy of 2,500,000 total displaced Syrians (According to the Red Cross). Did we reach the limit of Syrian tragedy?

Additionally, we have the human sufferings of 358,000 Syrians who have taken refuge in Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon. Thank you to all three.

Also, we have the potential Syria’s war may spill over neighboring countries in terms of real fighting. It has already spilled over the whole region in terms of sectarian divide.

We have the opportunity to remove the Assad regime, one of the most horrific regimes of terror that ever existed globally (Here is a partial known history of the Assad terror).

We have the opportunity to clip the wings of the Mullahs of Iran, Assad’s masters of terror; and possibly help the Iranian people regain their freedom and dignity.

Further, we have the opportunity to reconstitute the Middle East on the basis of cooperative efforts in pursuit of self-interests and pragmatism rather than destabilization and terror.

We had the opportunity of limiting extremism on both sides but the international community missed the opportunity. Why? Because of UN vetoes by Russia and China; and because both know the US won’t act unilaterally.

We have an opposition body formed two days ago (The National Coalition) the United States fostered and helped architect using ideas from Syrian dissidents.


In the last tally, here is where the international community stands on Syria.

The closest position to Russia and China is the United States, then Germany, then France, then the UK, and then the Arab League (It took the Arab League a long time to finally decide Assad must go). Since the rulers in Iran are active participants in killing Syrians. We did not feel any need to include the country’s position.

We have a United States of America sometimes absent, sometimes oscillating, sometimes stumbling, sometimes helping, and sometimes refusing to take sides in Syria; but always lending lip service from mighty podiums.

Even when Europe and the Arab League recognized the National Coalition, the US and Russia remain adamantly against recognizing a legitimate opposition. After working so hard on establishing The National Coalition, this morning Secretary Clinton said:

We have long called for this kind of organization. We want to see that momentum maintained. As the Syrian opposition takes these steps and demonstrates its effectiveness in advancing the cause of a unified, democratic, pluralistic Syria, we will be prepared to work with them to deliver assistance to the Syrian people.

While her words sound reasonable, the US had that opportunity when the FSA started defecting; and long before it outsourced to Erdogan the task of forming the SNC; the very same organization Clinton is breaking apart today. The US is running in circles and dragging everyone along for the ride.

Meanwhile, Syrians are dying and disappearing, sectarianism is unstoppable, and 2,500,000 Assad has misplaced with 358,000 refugees.

Don’t you feel like throwing a raw egg at somebody’s face right now?

Did We Reach the Limit of Syrian Tragedy?


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