Dismantle Zionism in Israel Before It Dismantles America

Dismantle Zionism in Israel Before It Dismantles America
Dismantle Zionism in Israel Before It Dismantles America

When Americans watch pro-Palestinian students getting arrested for peaceful protests, it becomes quite obvious to them that we are witnessing the unraveling of our Constitution. American Zionism and First Amendment Rights are on a clash course and unless we dismantle Zionism in Israel, it is going to dismantle our American democracy.

The real danger to our democracy is not Donald Trump. It is the fascist Zionism that has manifested itself in Israel, and now on our campuses. Americans cannot afford to yield to this extremely dangerous nationalist ideology that, in many ways, emulates Nazism, judging by the Zionists in Israel in how they treat the Palestinian people.

What is more sacred to Americans than their First Amendment Rights? The right to speak freely, the right to assemble, and the right to protest peacefully. Yet, we are watching live how the American Zionists are dismantling these rights in our college campuses with the full consent of our cowardly politicians.

All of them AIPAC bought for a few thousands of dollars.

Maybe now the less sophisticated of voters are beginning to understand that they no longer have control over their country.


How did America get to the point where AIPAC, an American entity working only to serve the interests of a foreign country, is allowed to control our politicians. How is that possible if we claim to have the powerful democratic institutions that protect this nation? Zionism is a fascist malady with a nationalist ideology that is practicing genocide in Gaza, the same way Adolf Hitler practiced the Holocaust on the Jews.

How can we let this great country become the doormat of the Zionist billionaires, buying all those who stand in their way of stopping Israel from controlling our political landscape? And who is the one person who is enforcing the Zionist occupation of America? Joe Biden. The same hack who cries foul about American democracy every time someone mentions Donald Trump.

Go figure, how screwed up our nation has become. Just because Zionism has this country and its leaders by their balls. Wake up America. Soon enough, we will not have any Constitution to protect our rights. Already, Zionism, which buys Democrats and Republicans equally, is driving that bus down the cliff.

Maybe now the less sophisticated of voters are beginning to understand that they no longer have control over their country. Perhaps Gaza, in its symbolic destruction, also destroyed the myth that we are a strong democratic nation no one person or entity can ruin. Americans are finding out that Zionism is the exception. It is an entity that is devastating to our interests, as it pursues only the interests of a foreign country.

Perhaps the rank and file members of the Evangelical Zionist Christians, the smart ones among them, might finally accept that an Armageddon is not going to bring their messiah.

It has not so far with the destruction of Gaza, and never will.

Dismantle Zionism in Israel Before It Dismantles America

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