Do Not Bet on a DeSantis Nomination

Do Not Bet on a DeSantis Nomination
Do Not Bet on a DeSantis Nomination

Even if Donald Trump loses the GOP support in 2024 because of his legal troubles, do not bet on a DeSantis nomination for very obvious reasons. Ron DeSantis is too extreme for the majority of Americans who are more centrists than DeSantis, or his campaign, realize. If Trump loses the nomination, which seems implausible one year before the GOP convention in July 2024, look for more GOP moderates to earn that privilege. People like Nikki Haley, Chris Christie, or even Mike Pence.

It’s either Trump, or not DeSantis, folks. Any GOP donor, or supporter, would be unwise to back DeSantis if they really want the White House again. And the confused among their ranks are plenty, to start with the Evangelical Christians ramming abortion down the throat of young women voters who have surpassed the baby boomers in numbers and power.

Now that DeSantis and his campaign are facing the music of his extremism in real numbers and donations, the downturn is permanent. We believe more and more GOP elites are realizing that DeSantis has blown his chance at ever becoming more than a Governor of the State of Florida.

What is important, though, is for the Republicans to realize that nominating a loser like Trump, or an alt-right extremist like DeSantis, is self-defeating.


One of the most important elements of this potentially ugly 2024 election coming up is having to do with sustainability. The staying power of each GOP candidate as time goes by may prove to be a critical step towards success, and early candidate thinning will play to the advantage of both Trump or DeSantis. For moderate GOP voters out there, it is vitally essential for the field to remain fluid and dynamic.

Whether large Republican donors realize this fact remains a mystery. Some, like Robert Bigelow, a past DeSantis donor, are halting their financial support because Ron DeSantis has become unelectable due to his extremism, thin skin, and littleness. Such wealthy individuals receive very precise reporting about the demographics of the voters and their tendencies. So when they become skeptical about their horses winning, they tend to look elsewhere for another candidate to support.

So, staying in the race is critical, even though the numbers show that Donald Trump has sealed the nomination. One year and multiple indictments is a long time to count one’s eggs.

What is important, though, is for the Republicans to realize that nominating a loser like Trump, or an alt-right extremist like DeSantis, is self-defeating. Whether they can overcome that emotional barrier of selecting a winning horse, instead of the most beautiful, remains a mystery.

Do Not Bet on a DeSantis Nomination

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