Evil Khamenei is Planning More Attacks Two Proxies Deep

Evil Khamenei is Planning More Attacks Two Proxies Deep

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If you think this dud of a retaliation is satisfactory to Ayatollah Khamenei, you are clueless about Iran. Evil Khamenei is planning more attacks on U.S. troops two proxies deep. A test of sort for the new Quds Forces general who replaced Qassem Soleimani to show how violent and cunning of a man he could be.


The evil Ayatollah said that the attack his regime of terror perpetrated against two U.S. bases in Iraq was a “slap in the face“.  Really? The United States takes out the architect of the new empire Iran is constructing in the region and the response is a slap! Trusts us. Tehran has more sinister plans waiting for the United States and if we let our guard down, we will pay a dear price for it.

In the past, Iran hired al-Qaeda and the Islamic State to do its bidding. Do not be surprised if Tehran rebuilds a controllable Islamic State in Iraq to strike at U.S. troops. Just as Assad has done in Syria to scare the west about the alternative waiting should his regime fall. Do not be surprised if al-Qaeda rears its ugly head in Iraq once more to teach America a Khameneist lesson. All options are on the table, and Iran is capable of any kind of violence any day of the year.

If you want a warning for the next attacks coming, foreign minister Zarif delivered it today. On Twitter, he claimed that the country had “concluded proportionate measures in self-defense.”

If you believe this, then we also have a magic lantern to sell you.

Let us not sleep on the job because Iran is coming back again. This time, with real vengeance in its heart.


There is a lot to say about President Barack Obama who empowered Iran and President Donald Trump who clipped her wings; even sheared them. One President unleashed Iranian terror in the region and the other called them by killing their top terrorist. America has interests around the globe and there is zero tolerance for a President who hides, chides, and slides by ignoring those interests and the enemies harming them.

President Trump acted bravely when he ordered the drone strike on Soleimani’s convoy of cars.

“The only difference between the two is the level of intelligence. The Sunni extremists are dumb and the Shiite extremists are smart..”

Up to January 3, 2020, the United States has treated Iranian and Iranian-backed terrorists with velvet gloves. We are more than willing to go after Osama bin Laden and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi or the myriad of other Sunni Muslim terrorists. But we have always shied away from going after Shiite top terrorists like Qassem Soleimani and Hassan Nasrallah.

Is it because Iran, a United Nations member country, backs them? Or is it because we believed Sunni extremists are hopelessly violent and desperately irrational? While their Shiite counterparts are more reasonable to negotiate with. Whomever legitimized Shiite terrorists in the United States just lost a big battle. The only difference between the two is the level of intelligence. The Sunni extremists are dumb and the Shiite extremists are smart.

At TFS, we are content to see that of all the Presidents, Trump saw the Shiite terrorists for what they are. Hopelessly violent and utterly dangerous. Just like the Sunni terrorists but smarter.

Evil Khamenei is Planning More Attacks Two Proxies Deep


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