Excuse Me Mr President Putin is a Killer and a Thug

Excuse Me Mr President Putin is a Killer and a Thug

In answering a question on ABC News whether he thought Putin was “a killer,” President Joe Biden said, “I do.” Excuse me Mr. President Putin is a killer as well as a thug. His hero is Joseph Stalin, the man responsible for massacring 20 millions of his own people. Please, never forget his most coveted title “Putin the thug” when discussing that barbarian from the East. Putin might wear the “killer” label with honor, but to call him also a thug is to humiliate him.

The best part about this story was the shock the Kremlin feigned. “Putin, a killer?” hypothetically said the Kremlin. “You have it all wrong sir. Several attempts to poison his enemies with chemical nerve agents does not make him a killer. It makes him a Russian hero. Just like Stalin, da? We just don’t value life like you do, but that does not give you the right to criticize Vladimir Putin the KGB trained into a highly skilled assassin before he kidnapped the country and stole all its wealth.” All non-hypothetically written.

For President Biden to call him just a killer is not exactly correct. The man is a thug and a trained assassin who, in any other western country, would have never been able to achieve anything meaningful or worthy of mention.


Russian history is rife with characters who abused their powers and treated their people like slaves. Be it the Romanov Queen Elizabeth of England is related to, the successive Bolshevik leaders who destroyed their country, and now Vladimir Putin who is sucking the life out of every Russian to build an oligarch economic system to benefit a handful of other thugs. No luck whatsoever. No Abraham Lincoln, no Gandhi, and no Nelson Mandela. Without such leadership, today Russia is a vast country of nothingness; except for hungry romantic poets and dead classical writers.

So, excuse me Mr President, but Putin is not just a killer, but he is also a thug.

How Putin ascended to power is a story in and by itself. David Satter wrote in 2016:

I believe that Vladimir Putin came to power as the result of an act of terror committed against his own people. The evidence is overwhelming that the apartment-house bombings in 1999 in Moscow, Buinaksk, and Volgodonsk, which provided a pretext for the second Chechen war and catapulted Putin into the presidency, were carried out by the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB). Yet, to this day, an indifferent world has made little attempt to grasp the significance of what was the greatest political provocation since the burning of the Reichstag.Hudson - David Satter 08/17/2016

For President Biden to call him just a killer is not exactly correct. The man is a thug and a trained assassin who, in any other western country, would have never been able to achieve anything meaningful or worthy of mention.

Nothing impacts a dictator more than to expose his corruption, where he hides his money, and who are the pigeons he trusts to proxy for his wealth.


During the previous administration, Vladimir Putin got the red carpet treatment from Donald Trump. So much so that Trump sided with Putin against the FBI and the CIA, which is an act of treason that Trump has never been held accountable for.

The Biden Administration, it seems, wants to correct that wrong, and by calling Putin a “killer” the President is setting a new tone to begin the process of making Putin pay for his election interference.

The administration has already slapped new sanctions on the regime, but that’s not enough. Sanctions are like a molasses gun fired a bullet. It will take many years, if ever, for them to have a real economic impact. So, the answer to Putin must be in a different form.

It is said that Vladimir Putin is worth some $200 Billions. Nothing impacts a dictator more than to expose his corruption. To expose where he hides his money, and who are the pigeons he trusts to proxy for his wealth. This is difficult information to obtain, but not if the CIA establishes a new task force with wide ranging legal authority to expose Putin’s corruption. The fact he interfered in our elections, which is a national security issue, should make it easy to turn a blind to new CIA tactics to reach its goal.

What it takes, for how long it takes. As long as we expose this thug and weaken him domestically for a replacement.

Excuse Me Mr President Putin is a Killer and a Thug

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