France Shows Its True Benevolent Colors

France Shows Its True Benevolent Colors

Neutralize Assad, France Says
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Syria and Russia must stop military operations against civilians and in particular put an end to the “ordeal” taking place in the besieged city of Madaya just two weeks before Syrian peace talks are scheduled, France’s foreign minister said on Monday. France shows its true benevolent colors.

After meeting Syrian opposition coordinator Riad Hijab, Laurent Fabius told reporters

“We discussed the absolute necessity that Syria and Russia end their military operations against civilians and in particular the ordeal in Madaya and other cities besieged by the regime,”

Fabius reiterated that the psychopath Baschar al-Assad could not remain in power and said Paris would consult the U.N. Security Council to pressure Syria to end indiscriminate attacks.

He is due to meet the U.N.’s special envoy to Syria later on Monday.

While Barack Obama naps under a tree, and Ban-Ki moon looks for Putin to secure another term leading a defunct giant NGO called the United Nations, France shows its true benevolent colors by confronting the Assad and Putin atrocities in Syria.

Thank you France.

Reuters contributed to this article.

France Shows Its True Benevolent Colors


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