Gen Z Will Save the US From Zionism

Gen Z Will Save the US From Zionism
Gen Z Will Save the US From Zionism

The leaders of AIPAC, probably all baby boomers, running the organization’s reputation to the grounds, may know already that Gen Z will save America from Zionism and the foreign interference they conduct on behalf of Israel. The day that generation, by 2040 or so, will be running the country as the future leaders of the United States. Also, just in time when minorities in America start outnumbering Caucasians in demographics.

It is a double whammy that AIPAC will not be able to escape in the future. A double barrel shotgun aimed at the heart of Zionism in America. And for AIPAC to think forcing ByteDance to sell TikTok is going to solve the problem, is both shortsighted and imbecilic. Israel has set its reputation as a state of terror in the memories of every Gen Z in America and worldwide.

Gen Z will definitely save the US from Zionism, but so will other forces that are ready to intervene to return the Palestinians the lands the Zionist stole from them.


In the future, supporting Israel is going to become as toxic a belief as they come.

Who wants to back a genocidal country with a colonizing system of apartheid the world over is already rejecting. Not only here in the US, but everywhere where Gen Z is active, and they are active everywhere already.

In addition to this new generation of future leaders and the dramatic change in the demographics of the U.S., American colonization plans will also have to face the BRICS+ movement. Both China and Russia are leading it. In addition to South Africa, which has initiated the ICJ court hearings about Israel committing genocide in Gaza.

It matters little how many billions of dollars the Zionist lobby will have at its disposal. With such amalgamation of powers worldwide, between ideological youngsters, a new world order, and less inclined future population to side with a fascist government like Israel, Zionism will not be able to survive. It will not be able to withstand the onslaught against its ideology of death and violence. Not when the odds are stacked up so much against it.

Gen Z will definitely save the US from Zionism, but so will other natural and deliberate forces that are ready to intervene to return the Palestinians the lands the Zionist stole from them.

Gen Z Will Save the US From Zionism

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