Germany Proposes Security Zone in Syria

Germany Proposes Security Zone in Syria

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On Monday, German Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer suggested the creation of a security zone in northern Syria to protect displaced civilians and to ensure that the fight continues against Islamic State militia. One of the reasons Germany proposes a security zone in Syria because it is home to a high number of Kurdish and Turkish emigrants.

Germany also has welcomed some 800,000 Syrian refugees with opened arms. Many of whom are succeeding in becoming productive citizens in the German dynamic economy. One reason for such success is Germany’s apprenticeship system, which dates back to medieval times.

Kramp-Karrenbauer, also party leader of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives, told Deutsche Welle broadcaster:

My suggestion is that we set up an internationally controlled security zone involving Turkey and Russia. .


The step should also stabilize the region so that civilians could rebuild and refugees could return on a voluntary basis, Kramp-Karrenbauer said.

Kramp-Karrenbauer added she had liaised closely with Merkel regarding the idea of a security zone in northern Syria. She also said that she had informed Germany’s most important allies about the proposal.

It is the first time that the German government has proposed a military mission in the Middle East. If supported by Turkey and Russia, Berlin would be expected to send soldiers to Syria as part of the mission.

There has been no reaction from Turkey or Russia to this new German proposal of securing the fate of Syrian refugees.

Kramp-Karrenbauer’s proposal could increase tensions within Merkel’s ruling coalition. The Social Democrats, which co-govern with Merkel, are skeptical of any direct military involvement in Syria.

Kramp-Karrenbauer defended her idea. She said that she could no longer hear German politicians speak of their concerns about the violence in Syria without acting. Germany and its ruling parties must do more and help solve international crises, the minister said.

Germany Proposes Security Zone in Syria


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