GOP is Building an Apartheid System in America

GOP is Building an Apartheid System in America
Nazi Rally In U.S.A., 1930’s. (Photo by ¬© Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images)

Texas has redrawn its congressional and state legislators districts for its 39.8% of its white population to retain control of all levers of power. In effect, the GOP is building an Apartheid system of government in America. State by state using redistricting and gerrymandering to dilute the brown and black voters out of existence. It’s racism on top of antisemitism on top of breaking our democracy apart. Nothing those racist white bastards won’t do; to include doing away with democracy all together.

Welcome to the Apartheid State of Texas. Between its abortion laws, its voter suppression laws, its Holocaust opposing books, and its white-control through cheating, Texas has become the land mass the equivalent of a Muslim ISIS is in full control. Medieval, backward thinking, and decimating the rights of others as ISIS tried to decimate the Yazidis.

Conservative evangelical Christian extremists control the state of Texas the way Muslim ISIS extremists control Muslim countries. The same people with similar oppressive agendas praying to the same God; but each coming from a different angle of justification.


Right under our nose, the GOP is building an Apartheid racist system in America where whites only control the elections, and racist whites only determine who runs for office.


Racist White Anglo-Saxon Protestants in America do not want to share power with any other group. Not the Catholics or the blacks, not the Jews or the immigrant communities. They believe, deep down, that the United States is their country, and that the rest of Americans be they race-different, or religiously-different, are just visitors and not partners.

This is why when more liberal Millennials are changing the demographics in any state — like Georgia and Texas — the WASPs are reacting with extreme measures to maintain control. It’s power at any cost including the sanctity of our democracy. What’s the “Big Lie” but a manifestation for the white racists to suppress and control?

Right under our nose, the GOP is building an Apartheid racist system in America where whites only control the elections, and racist whites only determine who runs for office.

Welcome to the “oppose the Holocaust” books era. One in which a Hitler Brownshirt wears a MAGA cap, a MAGA T-shirt, and carries a Trump flag. It’s where MAGA has come to symbolize a new form of a grotesque Apartheid.

GOP is Building an Apartheid System in America

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