GOP Message to Trump: Kill Our Democracy in 2024

GOP Message to Trump Kill Our Democracy in 2024

The trial of the century starts the week of February 8 in the Senate. It is expected, as many have predicted, to be smooth sailing for the man who tried to install himself as America’s dictator for life as the GOP is unwilling to indict their deranged leader. So, what is the GOP message to Trump? “Hey, Donald, come back and try again in 2024. We all are behind you, buddy”. Anyone who misinterprets what the Republican Party is about to do need their heads examined. Why do the people always fall for the vilest of humans to represent them?

The historic trial will probably last one week, and for those who were witness to President Bill Clinton’s Senate impeachment trial in January of 1999, this one will be different. For starters, the witnesses are the very same Senators weighing-in with their votes; also, what the House is accusing Donald Trump for is exponentially more serious than a stain on a blue dress.

Don’t let some of the GOP Senators fool you. For them, it’s better a dictatorship than lose their powers to Catholics and Jews.


The white power in this country is angry. Not only their man lost to a Catholic President, but they also lost the Senate to a Jew. For the first time in history their power is out of their hands, and to some a Trump dictatorship is fine by them if it restored, on a permanent basis, their control of the U.S. Government and most importantly the political single-minded economy they proffered at the expense of a shrinking middle class.

This is why the Republicans are refusing to impeach Donald Trump. They need him to try again in 2024 to consolidate their power for good under a one-time democracy to drive a one-rule authoritarian government. Don’t let some of the GOP Senators fool you. For them, it’s better a dictatorship than lose their power to Catholics and Jews.

Forget this nonsensical defense Republicans are advancing to the effect that Trump is no longer in office. Does that mean that future Presidents can break any law they want between the election and leaving office? Because today’s Senate is setting a precedent that they will not hold other Presidents accountable for treason, or any other illegal activity. You want to sell our secrets to Putin? Go ahead, you will get away with it. You want to start a new unnecessary war? Go ahead, you won’t be impeached. You want to order some politician to be killed? Be our guest Mr. President. The Senate, of your ilk and ideology, won’t touch you. It is setting this precedent should the Senate, as expected, exonerate Donald Trump.

Just imagine for a moment if Donald Trump is caught, again, trying to install himself as a dictator. You think he won’t do it? Don’t make me laugh.


It is easy to say that history won’t be kind to all the Representatives and Senators who have refused to indict Donald Trump for his treason. The truth is history is going to be so horrible to these people, it is going to change the rules under which we select our representatives in Congress. Besides the cowardly act we are witnessing, the fact that one Marjorie Greene is elected is testimony to how broken our political system is. How did we get here so fast and so recklessly?

Just imagine for a moment if Donald Trump is caught, again, trying to install himself as a dictator. You think he won’t do it? Don’t make me laugh. Playing the kingmaker is the first step to rally back the troops for another assault on our democracy. He won’t stop until he is dead and buried, if you ask me. Exonerating Trump is a GOP message for Trump to try again.

One hundred years from now, the generation of Americans enjoying a stronger and more enduring democracy are going to look back at this time in our history with scorn and derision. Their class discussions will concentrate as much about Donald Trump the traitor as on the Republican Party, which has become home to the crackpots and the kooks siding with treasonous acts instead of uniting behind the Constitution.

GOP Message to Trump: Kill Our Democracy in 2024

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