Hezbollah Fires Shots at Soldiers Knowing Israel will Retaliate

Hezbollah Fires Shots at Soldiers Knowing Israel will Retaliate

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Israeli attack helicopters struck observation posts that belong to the militant Hezbollah terror group along the Lebanon border. The overnight attacks took place after after shots were fired at Israeli troops operating in the area, the military said Wednesday. What gives? Hezbollah fires shots at soldiers knowing Israel will retaliate. Was it to divert attention away from its incompetence in Lebanon, or was it to reinforce the notion its massive weapon arsenal is not to threaten the Lebanese people?

Hezbollah’s political position is under intense scrutiny due to gross negligence and mismanagement. As well as its mismanagement and corruption.

The IDF said no Israeli forces were wounded, and there were no immediate reports of any casualties. Earlier, Israeli troops fired flares and smoke shells along the heavily guarded Israeli-Lebanese borders.

The military also ordered civilians in nearby Israeli communities to shelter in place. It blocked roads near the border. However, the IDF lifted those restrictions early Wednesday. The incident took place near the northern town of Manara.


Israel has been bracing for a possible attack by the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah since an Israeli airstrike killed a Hezbollah fighter in neighboring Syria last month.

On July 27, the Israeli military said it had thwarted an infiltration attempt by Hezbollah militants. Neither side reported any casualties and the Iran-backed Hezbollah denied involvement.

Israel considers Hezbollah to be its toughest and most immediate threat because it has nestled itself in civilian communities Israel is unwilling to attack. Hezbollah’s cowardly military tactics led to a stalemate during a month long war in 2006, Hezbollah today has more missiles and hardened fighters who battled in Syria.

Israeli officials estimate that Hezbollah possesses some 130,000 rockets and missiles capable of striking virtually anywhere in Israel. The terror group also has gained valuable battlefield experience fighting alongside Iranian troops in the Syrian civil war.

Israel, which considers Iran to be its greatest enemy, has acknowledged carrying out scores of airstrikes in Syria. Israeli intent is to stop Iran from transferring sophisticated weapons to Hezbollah.

Hezbollah Fires Shots at Soldiers Knowing Israel will Retaliate


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