How Did America Land Trump and DeSantis?

How Did America Land Trump and DeSantis?
How Did America Land Trump and DeSantis?

If we analyze the effects of a policy without analyzing its causes, history would always repeat itself. In that spirit, we must ask ourselves one honest question: How did America land Trump and DeSantis as its violent and racist GOP front-runners? Cause and effect may reveal it has to do with an angry base of voters, which may also explain why the likes of Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert have brandished weapons of war on their family Christmas cards. The bigger the guns, the bigger the support.

Why is the base of Republican voters selecting such unfit characters to represent them and the country? We believe it has to do with unhinged and ignorant anger whose cause began with Reaganomics some 40 years ago. It is the same we have seen so often unfold on crowded airplanes, in protests (i.e., Rittenhouse), and in believing the lies Trump has advertised with abandon. Americans are angry, and more so amongst those who are less educated and less nuanced in the deceptive practices of shameless politicians.

Why are they angry is the 64,000 question.

DeSantis wants to kill the IRS because his donors are asking him for that favor as a condition to fill his campaign coffers.


We believe it has to do with the vast economic transformations that split the country into two camps: Those who have plenty and keep accumulating more wealth, and those who are struggling to have enough and whose debts outpace their wealth accumulation. America was the country with the plenty for everyone, but greed has reshaped our society. It says a lot about that change when the Biden White House considers that a family earning $400,000 is part of the middle class fabric in the 21st century.

It is saying that no matter how much a family earns, it is still not enough when it wants a comfortable life. Like having good healthcare, childcare, and education for their children. With that in mind, imagine how low is the income of a typical Trump voter who works as a truck driver, a plumber, or a firefighter. These voters are all angry because they are unable to provide their families with a certain quality of life their fathers provided them some fifty years ago. Who is stoking that anger? Fox News.

And instead of reading the writing on the wall to adjust and maintain a certain societal economic equilibrium that would forestall people like DeSantis speaking of “slitting throats”, our elite capitalists have doubled down on greed. How? By resisting paying their fair share of taxes, and by influencing Congress to pursue policies that benefit the rich at the expense of the middle class and the less fortunate Americans.

Europe found the balance between capitalism and serving the needs of its people, but in the United States, we have a class of shameless politicians who see angry Americans as an opportunity.


After all, if all Americans accomplish the American dream, we would have no labor to serve the interests of capitalism. Most Americans need to stay behind to serve the economy, but the problem is that greed has pushed over tens of millions of Americans over their tipping points.

Instead of slowing down this greed race to the top by over-zealous billionaires, Congress remains blindfolded. Many understand that the country is heading in the wrong direction, but instead of adjusting to calm down the masses by passing legislation to help the middle class instead of the billionaires, they remain steadfast resolute about serving destructive greed.

Europe found the balance between capitalism and serving the needs of its people, but in the United States, we have a class of shameless politicians who see angry Americans as an opportunity. One that keeps them in power or help them attain a greater one.

So they milk that opportunity through expression of violence, lies, and conspiracies in the hope to earn their votes for their own personal sinister goals. When Ron DeSantis used the expression “slitting throats”, it was no accident. He was speaking to the angriest and violent elements of our society, which has grown in size over the last forty years thanks to the Republican Party intent on serving only the rich and the powerful.

This kind of lawless capitalism is not sustainable.


Consider this. DeSantis wants to kill the IRS because his donors are asking him for that favor as a condition to fill his campaign coffers and theirs as well when the IRS can no longer pursue tax cheats. The country can go to hell as long as their Forbes billionaire ranking keeps rising.

This kind of lawless capitalism is not sustainable. But to rein it in, the very rich must endure a sudden decline of wealth in the form of a stock market crash before they tame their greed.

Cause and effect, folks. Trump and DeSantis are expressing the angry violence their constituents are expressing without their supporters understanding why they are angry.

How did America land Trump and DeSantis? Ask those whose thumbs measure America’s pulse with accuracy. Ask why the likes of Bernie Sanders and Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez have risen in stature the last 10 years.

You also might want to ask your Republican Representative in Congress.

How Did America Land Trump and DeSantis?

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