How Did We Go From Domestic Terrorists to Patriots?

How Did We Go From Domestic Terrorists to Patriots

During an alt-right TV appearance, Donald Trump delivered another blow to democracy that should send shivers down the spine of every true American patriot. At least the informed ones. Besides his usual Hitlerian threats, Trump called the January 6 insurrectionists “patriots”. My question to those in the media and in the White House is the following: How did we go from domestic terrorists to patriots in one year? Is it the lack of consistent messaging? or is it because the GOP has taken over the misinformation sphere in our country?

Or maybe, it is because Congress has missed its opportunity to pass a strong Domestic Patriot Act to hold future well-armed extremist Confederates accountable for their terror? Congress floated the idea early on and then it suddenly died.

Is that you President Biden? Still fantasizing about bipartisanship?

The January 6 Commission has a duty to call those who stormed the Capitol “domestic terrorists” in their final report. Short of that, we are helping Donald Trump control the message to the detriment of our republic.

Whether the Democrats like it or not, there are 30 million hardcore Trump supporters out there who will never, ever abandon their southern plantation ideology in favor of one America. To heal this nation, we must just overlook and go past them.

The train of a solid and strong union is not theirs to ride.

We just need to repeat labeling the insurrectionists as “domestic terrorists” long enough to stick, or Trump will turn January 6 into his own Boston Tea Party.


During the interview, Trump, after he dangled pardons to the more than 700 individuals the Department of Justice has merely slapped their hands, said:

Some of these people are not guilty. Many of these people are not guilty. In many cases, they’re patriots. They’re soldiers. They’re policemen.Fuhrer Trump - February 1, 2022

According to the Fuhrer’s logic, the domestic terrorists were patriots just because they were policemen and soldiers. Are we to believe that every policeman and every soldier is saintly? Tell that to George Floyd, or the Iraqi prisoner a U.S. soldier deliberately killed and for which he received Trump’s presidential pardon.

Tell that to the thousands of black families who suffered the pain of seeing their loved ones shot in the back by white supremacist policemen exercising their right to a more modern lynching using the law as their shield.

You might also want to tell that to the civilians that soldiers in Bravo company terrorized and murdered in Afghanistan. The same soldiers are now back in the U.S. storming the Capitol. They are as patriots as Donald Trump is an honest man.

Everyone could be a terrorist. Those who stormed the Capitol at the behest of the Fuhrer himself certainly are. We just need to repeat labeling the insurrectionists as “domestic terrorists” long enough to stick, or Trump will turn January 6 into his own Boston Tea Party.

How Did We Go From Domestic Terrorists to Patriots?

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