Hungary is a Certifiable Russian Bastion

Hungary is a Certifiable Russian Bastion
Hungary is a Certifiable Russian Bastion

Victor Orban, the prime minister of Hungary, is a fascist ringleader whose policies since 2010 have been anti-democratic and often anti-European Union. Orban is close to the other Russian ringleader Vladimir Putin and has been defending his policies ever since the invasion of Ukraine. Of late, his office has signaled that it would refuse to arrest Putin under the Rome Statute on orders of the ICC, which is a sure sign that Hungary is a certifiable Russian bastion in the heart of Europe.

Hungary siding with almost every Russian policy or political position would have been inconsequential prior to the invasion of Ukraine. But today, Hungary’s stand with regard to its support of Putin makes it a danger to the very union of Europe. Maintaining defiantly the Putinism course is tantamount to treason of the very notion of what the European Union stands for, and we believe the EU should begin to take steps to threaten ousting Hungary from its Union.

No other country in Europe has been defending Russia and Putin like Hungary has.


Orban’s recent position to refuse to arrest Putin, even though his country is obligated to do so under the Rome Statute, is just the latest anti-EU positions Hungary has been adopting. Prior to this latest bombshell, Hungary has also balked at admitting Sweden into the NATO alliance, in addition to criticizing the EU defending Ukraine by sending weapons to fight off the Russian invasion.

To say that Hungary is a certifiable Russian bastion in the heart of Europe is the understatement of the week. No other country in Europe has been defending Russia and Putin like Hungary has. All because of the very fascist nature of Victor Orban whose defiance of EU norms is turning Hungary into a counter-productive nation to the very doctrinal notion of a unified Europe.

Putin might as well declare that he invaded Ukraine and Hungary too


How should the EU and NATO respond to Hungary’s pro-Putin threatening policies?

In our opinion, the EU should consider threatening Hungary with the possibility of ouster from its union to pressure Orban, or to lead the Hungarians to vote him out. Just as a country threatens to oust a spy from the embassy of a hostile country. Unfortunately, there is no room for maneuverability when Europe is risking its very existence at the hands of a violent dictator to go the appeasement or apathetic route in dealing with the danger of Orban.

Furthermore, NATO should consider similar measures by threatening to oust Hungary from its alliance in the hope that Hungarians would finally awaken to the folly of fascism. If it does not work, the EU should consider whatever options available under its EU statutes to make life miserable for the Hungarians who insist on voting for fascism.

Are these extreme measures? Yes, they are. Short of sending Orban and his voters the strongest signals possible, Putin might as well declare that he invaded Ukraine and Hungary too.

Because today, Hungary looks like a Russian bastion in the heart of Europe. Just like Kaliningrad.

Hungary is a Certifiable Russian Bastion

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