I Would Vote For Trump if the GOP Unites Against Him

I Would Vote For Trump if the GOP Unites Against Him

Honestly, I would vote for Trump if the GOP unites against him. I can hear some of my best friends say to me: What the hell are you saying? Are you out of your mind? Well, hear me out before you judge a one-liner so quickly, and forget everything I said in the past. New dynamics — voting down the For the People Act — requires new thinking.

If you are rich in America, the GOP is your ticket to more wealth and the poor to more poverty. There is no balance with this Party. It’s all about making the white folks rich at the expense of the rest of the country.

Our baby boomers generation held 21% of the national wealth. Today’s millennials hold just 4.8%. This is not by accident but by design to raid and destroy the middle class of this country. Courtesy of the Ronald Reagan Republican Party.

If the Party starts uniting, I would certainly support Donald Trump because he creates the necessary divisions to keep the GOP weak and unable to return to power. I don’t ever want these bastards to control anything if they continue to behave as the white supremacists that they are.

Folks, we have pictures of Mitch McConnell standing by a Confederate flag. The same flag that flew at the Capitol on 1/6.

Maybe Twitter should re-instate Trump’s account. It is truly to our benefit now to stop the GOP from further harming of our nation.


In a speech at the Ronald Reagan Library in California, former VP Mike Pence attacked Donald Trump’s position with regard to the integrity of the 2020 election results. That is not good news for those of us who believe Ronald Reagan was the one who began implementing the policies that took us from the 21% wealth journey to today’s 4.8% aberration (Do read about the Twitter sensation Dan Price who first made this information public).

Pence said:

“Now, I understand the disappointment many feel about the last election. I can relate. I was on the ballot. But you know, there’s more at stake than our party and our political fortunes in this moment. If we lose faith in the Constitution, we won’t just lose elections — we’ll lose our country.”Former VP Mike Pence

Of course, he is right. But being right is the last thing I want this Republican white supremacist party to suddenly become. The Big Lie, as much as we all hate it, is dividing the GOP politicians most of whom are so eager to regain power just to return to the old policies that have decimated the middle class and the poor in our country. This cannot happen. There, I would vote for Trump if the GOP unites.

Maybe Twitter should re-instate Trump’s account. It is truly to our benefit now to stop the GOP from further harming our nation.

No rich person should accept this vast wealth gap between their generation and those of fellow younger Americans.


Indeed it does. There is no room for emotional outbursts or hate. As much as I dislike Donald Trump, I dislike even more Mitch McConnell and his fanatic odyssey to widen the income inequality gap. It is an indirect economic war against the middle class and the poor in America.

No rich person should accept this vast wealth gap between their generation and those of younger fellow Americans. If we are to call ourselves “exceptional”, we need to act our mantra. There is no more room for cheating the American people out of their rights to accumulate wealth the way their parents did, and this is why we need to put to pastures the likes of Mitch McConnell and any GOP politician who still embraces the now defunct Ronald Reagan policies.

It seems simply amazing to me how blind and out of touch the GOP has become. Even with all the anger seething below the surface — Have you noticed the number of mass murders lately? –, and even with all the economic data they have access to that indicate our country has taken  a bad turn, the GOP leadership remains adamant about making the rich richer.

Is it because the more billionaires America claims, the better the hunting overseas? These billions can buy any asset globally. Is their strategy to enlarge the footprint of America’s economic power to contain China? Then how is it possible to conquer on the international stage, but ignore the coming revolution at home that will destroy American far reaches across the globe?

When Rome began imploding, Romans were still occupying British soil.

Ultimately, there is no guarantee for any U.S. strategy to work if the people at home are angry and stirring.

That’s how far the GOP Senators are out of touch with reality. Case in point is Cancun Cruz.

I Would Vote For Trump if the GOP Unites Against Him

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