If Allegedly Smart Barack Obama Was So Smart, Why Then …

If Allegedly Smart Barack Obama Was So Smart, Why Then …

US fighter plan criticized by key rebel
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Many of President Barack Obama’s friends and supporters have alleged that he is smart. The label has crossed even to the other side in the GOP camp.

If so, we have some questions to ask.

If allegedly smart Barack Obama was so smart, why then would he agree to sign an Iran Deal that made him look not so smart? An Iran Deal that gave away the store to our enemy packaged neatly in a region we call the Middle East in return for the ‘possibility’ Iran may not build an atomic weapon for 10 years?

Emphasis here on the word ‘possibility’ because Iran has this history of not honoring any international agreement it signs. Are we surprised? Honestly, what can one expect from the savages ruling Tehran?

If allegedly smart Barack Obama was so smart, why then let the Syrian civil war fester to threaten the interests of Europe and America? Why would he ignore our military intelligence briefings provided by the Pentagon that ISIS was on the rise? A smart Barack Obama would have at least hedged his bets by planning ahead of time instead of playing golf.

If allegedly smart Barack Obama was so smart, why then would he claim over 22 televised times to the American public that “If you want to keep your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Period.”? A smart Barack Obama would have said it once or maybe twice hoping it would not resurface once we find out it was a big lie. A smart Barack Obama would consider the American voter to be as intelligent.

If allegedly smart Barack Obama was so smart, why then would he permit the immigration problem to become a campaign issue the Democrats may have to pay a dear political price for? Smart Barack Obama would have at least pretended he was solving the problem instead of ignoring it all together.

If allegedly smart Barack Obama was so smart, why then would he jump on the golf course 10 minutes after eulogizing James Foley? A smart Barack Obama would have waited at least few hours if he had any self-control. Lack of self-control indicates lack of intelligence.

If allegedly smart Barack Obama was so smart, why then would he ignore public opinion on such fundamental issues as ObamaCare and the Iran Deal? A smart Barack Obama should know that America has built-in mechanisms to defend itself from his ideological inclinations. This is a country of institutions, not men running them. Sooner or later, the pendulum will swing to honor our Constitution and our laws.

If allegedly smart Barack Obama was so smart, why then attack publicly rotten policemen who killed innocent blacks and stay silent when rotten illegal immigrants kill innocent whites? The perception harms the civil rights movement in this country. A high school kid could tell him this.

Maybe Barack Obama is smart and Valerie Jarrett is stupid. Who knows what goes on in their heads when both are running America like a circus master runs a horror show.

If Allegedly Smart Barack Obama Was So Smart, Why Then …


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